Wednesday, July 21, 2010

This Will Not End With Me

Vanity | 20 July 2010 | Combat_Boots

Posted on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 8:42:04 AM by combat_boots

This will not end with me.

The pictures of Washington and Lincoln might be gone from classrooms, but I remember gazing at them on those walls. The American flags in the corners. The tall windows. The old desks. The copies of McGuffey Readers. The emphasis on math quizzes and times tables, on American history and geography. A prayer to start the day.

This will not end with me.

The entire country watched in wonder when Apollo 11 went to and Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. We marveled at the space blankets and space bars that came as a result. The TVs playing after midnight, all to watch “one small step for Man” brought Mankind to its knees in a prayer of thanks to God and American knowhow.

This will not end with me.

Hand me downs and paper routes were commonplace. Working from young ages was a way to learn self-reliance. Pride of craftsmanship and knowing how to cook and change tires, pick apples, paint and sweep floors were simple tasks all boys and girls, men and women knew.

This will not end with me.

Knowing good value for good products, pride of ownership, and faith in the God of our Fathers bespeaks America’s bright self-confidence, ebullience, good will and forthright honesty testifies to our pioneering will and belief in our future.

God is with these values. And so are we Americans. We led so many to freedom. Now we must lead ourselves back to our forebears’ legacy. Born of shed blood from that on The Cross of Christ to the boots on the ground, for the sake of our and our children’s lives, this cause will not end with me.

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