Monday, July 5, 2010

How to Make an American Job Before It's Too Late: Andy Grove

Less than 10 years go IBM was manaufacturing disc drives in California, until the lawsuits from employees claiming injury from chemicals used in the manufacting became too expensive. They closed and the manaufacturing went to Asia.

>>from employees claiming injury from chemicals used in the manufacturing became too expensive. They closed and the manaufacturing went to Asia.<<

Let me guess, no one has tracked chemical exposure to the employees in Asia....right?

HP contractors in Asia succumb to long hours, lousy pay and tremendous pressure for output....just jump to their deaths.

What, somewhere around 20.

I was disappointed by Grove’s simplistic analysis. All he can recommend is a trade war. What about our incredible levels of government imposed employment and production costs? What about our liability lawsuit lottery environment? What about the demands of labor cartels? What about the ability of environmentalists to stop development of energy projects?

Tariffs will not bring back economic vitality. Tariffs will only increase consumer prices with little impact economic development. Tariffs will provide justification for Democrats to increase the rate of their explosive government spending.

Our problems are self-inflicted and are unlikely to be corrected soon, if ever. Tinkering will not do.

It appears we must fall a lot further before anything helpful is even considered.

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