Sunday, July 18, 2010

Capitalism Lessons for Obama from 1948: Will he Learn?

By John Carey Published: July 17, 2010

This past week, President Obama called on former President Clinton for his help on the struggling U.S. economy. It appears Obama is starting to feel the heat from his failed economic policies as more and more people express concerns over his ability to address the nation’s economic woes. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce issued a scathing critique of the administration’s policies. The leading business group issued a rebuke of Obama’s economic agenda, accusing him and his Democrats in Congress of neglecting job creation and hampering growth with burdensome regulatory and tax policies. This is all happening as the Senate prepares to vote on one of the most anti-capitalistic bills (Financial Reform Bill) that this nation has ever seen.

It appears that the President and his party are struggling over what exactly capitalism is and how it can actually help restart the economic engine of America. So I found this clip on You Tube to help them out.

Less regulation, property ownership, competition, choice, and dare I say…profit. And hey it all adds up to a free enterprise system. Now I know capitalism is a tough concept for a Marxist or a group of Marxists to understand, but I hope this 9 minute video helps the Democrats and the President gain a firmer grasp on the basics of capitalism.

Liberty forever, freedom for all!

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