Saturday, July 3, 2010

BP oil spill extent - satellite views, what obama and media isn't showing you

And all for want of the EPA to approve the 4 Dutch decanting skimmers, still in port in the Netherlands. The ship A Whale can skim and decant 500,000 barrels a day, the Dutch say their four ships together can do twice that amount.

But none are at work, because none can ever meet the EPAs absolutely ridiculous 15 ppm discharge. What would you do, remove 99% of the oil from the water, or leave it all in the water. Obowma chose to leave it all in the water, and try and pass cap and trade. Never let a crisis go to waste. What a leader, the Obowma is.

Does anybody see the lunacy of the Obowma and HIS EPA? Where is leadership?

They are supposed to let the A Whale start testing tomorrow. And what if it can only remove half the oil from the water? Is that bad, or just better. I say we allow the pelicans to vote on that outcome.

Big government incompetency, up in lights.

I am on the Coast in Mississippi... my 36 year business is dying... This is all intentional and everyone here in the affected area knows it... I deal with people working for BP under contract and the government is blocking almost every avenue proposed for cleanup. obama wants this to happen... listen to the local politicians and our Governor Barbour... they know... they see the reality we are stuck with... and it is all by design.

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