MrB....”Don’t Panic”.
One thing I think we forget around here is that, literally, we are on the leading edge of the news cycle. Also, most freepers totally immerse themselves in political news. Listen to “normal” folks talk and you’ll quickly find out that they are weeks and months behind in their knowledge of events. Some of that is due to mass media malpractice - some is due to the fact that most people “just don’t care as much about politics” - so they don’t go to the effort to keep up.
But, I remember when I used to look every day to see if he was under or over -10 and would fret a little when he went to -8 or -9. Now, we are starting to see the same thing at -20. I think that within a month or so, you will see him at -20 or below every day.
And, as a business owner (who closes his store today due to poor conditions), I think we are heading for a MASSIVE crash - at which time there will either be a civil war - or he will be removed from office
I agree that he can only go so low due to liberal religious fervor and tribalism. Help yourself to any alliteration I allege.
My best friend is a liberal and also a business owner (as am I). I asked him 2 days ago how Christmas sales were. He literally said:
“We’re down about 25% from last year....but
I think everybody is better off this year”
I tried to point out that it was about the stupidest thing he has ever said....and he started getting angry (which he NEVER does). I can see his worldview crashing around him and he just doesn’t know how to deal with it....
Thursday, December 31, 2009
The Politics of Incompetence (Flight 253 a "political issue", not a security problem)
American Spectator ^ | December 31, 2009 | The Prowler
Posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:49:19 PM by reaganaut1
Edited on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:35:19 PM by Admin Moderator. [history]
On December 26, two days after Nigerian Omar Abdulmutallab allegedly attempted to use underwear packed with plastic explosives to blow up the Amsterdam-to-Detroit flight he was on, and as it became clear internally that the Administration had suffered perhaps its most embarrassing failure in the area of national security, senior Obama White House aides, including chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod and new White House counsel Robert Bauer, ordered staff to begin researching similar breakdowns -- if any -- from the Bush Administration.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; Crime/Corruption; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 910mentality; 911forgotten; americainperil; axelrod; bho4terrorists; dnc4terrorists; enemydomestic; flight253; obama4obama; obama4terrorists; tas
I wonder why White House staffers say things to conservative reporters that make them look like traitors.
1 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:49:19 PM by reaganaut1
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To: reaganaut1
I don’t recall getting this kind of leak from the Clinton admin. Suppose this is real? It is credible; it’s the Chicago way.
2 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:51:58 PM by jimfree (In 2012 Sarah Palin will continue to have more relevant quality executive experience than B. Obama.)
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To: reaganaut1
3 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:54:04 PM by happinesswithoutpeace (Nobody move, Nobody get hurt)
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To: reaganaut1
Their solution to a Terrorist Attack is to search through the archives for a similar failure in the Bush Administration?
Grasping at straws.
4 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:56:33 PM by left that other site (Your Mi'KMaq Paddy Whacky Bass Playing Biker Buddy)
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To: reaganaut1
If true, this makes them look all the more incompetent as they would have to have ignored previous problems and did not do anything fix them.
5 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:56:56 PM by N. Theknow (Kennedys: Can't fly, can't ski, can't drive, can't skipper a boat, but they know what's best.)
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To: reaganaut1
The problem here is that Obama has surrounded himself with the same third-rate hacks he knew before getting elected.
Napolitano was correct in her original summation that the PASSENGERS are the principal force in national security.
6 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:59:02 PM by muawiyah
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To: reaganaut1
apparently by Axelrod and Emmanuel and Bauer(Anita Dunn’s husband, the newest zealot on the block) tasking staffers to declassify information to make Bush look bad- those staffers are being asked to become traitors
Now we know who is running the country’s response to another al Qaeda domestic attack while bambi, Biden and Pelosi are on tropical vacations
Note the incredible chutzpah of this troika starting a spin campaign accusing the GOP of politicizing national security by questions and criticisms! DeMint is being singled out by name, along with Cheney of course. Godspeed, gentlemen
7 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:59:43 PM by silverleaf (More folks were invited to the White House for Holiday parties than are being sent to Afghanistan)
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To: reaganaut1
Blaming Bush doesn’t stop panty bombers. Bummer administration, welcome to the real world.
8 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:00:43 PM by HiTech RedNeck (I am in America but not of America (per bible: am in the world but not of it))
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To: silverleaf
This is more than asking people to be politically disloyal to President Bush. This is presenting a blueprint of what America knows, or doesn’t, right out where our enemies can see it. One of the best things George W. Bush did was to keep mum even though it was pushed to a fault.
Oy vey, Bummer, the gift that keeps giving.
9 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:03:30 PM by HiTech RedNeck (I am in America but not of America (per bible: am in the world but not of it))
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To: jimfree
I don't know whether it's incompetence or overconfidence that drives the left's idiocy any more.
Shred documents? Destroy hard drives? No, don't bother, just leave them for the reporters to find.
The system is corrupt, and they don't even bother to deny it any more. "We won, and we'll do what we like, and we don't care what you think about it."
10 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:04:39 PM by ZOOKER ( Exploring the fine line between cynicism and outright depression)
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To: HiTech RedNeck
classified information is not the property of the White House to use in opposition research
It belongs to the People of the United States of America, and is to be kept safe for our benefit and protection
as usual the narcissists running our country fail to grasp that distinction
11 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:06:38 PM by silverleaf (More folks were invited to the White House for Holiday parties than are being sent to Afghanistan)
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To: left that other site
and now, in these fragile times, we can wonder how much precious agency and analyst time is being directed by this White House to search the past for an excuse to smear Bush, instead of using all our analysts’ efforts to look FORWARD to try to deter the next attack!
12 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:10:38 PM by silverleaf (More folks were invited to the White House for Holiday parties than are being sent to Afghanistan)
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To: reaganaut1
“This White House doesn’t view the Northwest [Airlines] failure as one of national security, it’s a political issue,”...
Are you kidding me? I don’t have the time to write about all of the ramifications of this statement and no one has the time to read them anyway, but these jokers need come to the understanding very quickly that this is not some kind of game. It’s simple. The terrorists want to kill us. What is not so simple is stopping them. Forget the politics. Do your job.
13 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:14:32 PM by Williford
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To: Williford
So does anyone have to guess what the preliminary investigation results will be when they are released later today? They are going to try the “Bush’s fault” line once too often and this will be the straw that broke the camel’s back.
14 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:18:34 PM by mazda77 (Rubio for US Senate - West FL22nd - Dockery for Gov.)
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To: reaganaut1
15 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:19:15 PM by Diogenesis ("Those who go below the surface do so at their peril" - Oscar Wilde)
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To: reaganaut1
>> Nigerian Omar Abdulmutallab allegedly attempted to use underwear packed with plastic explosives <<
16 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:25:16 PM by Hawthorn
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To: reaganaut1; kristinn
OBOZO and his Band of Dispicable GOONS are OUTRAGEOUS!!!!
17 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:25:17 PM by True Republican Patriot (May GOD Continue to BLESS Our Great President George W. Bush!!)
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To: reaganaut1
This is an impeachable offense. The foremost duty of the President is to protect the United States of America. It is not to win re-election.
18 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:31:19 PM by kittymyrib
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To: silverleaf
(To the tune of “Climb Every Mountain”
Comb every archive
Search Every Vault
Dig through Every hard drive
Make it Bush’s fault
Sort every shredder
Pick every brain
Make up a new memo
Cause our country pain
Call up IBM, and tell them you will pay
If they’d lend you an old Selectric for a day!
Chase every rumor
For your assault
make mountains out of molehills,
c2009 left that other site with apologies to Rogers and Hammerstein
19 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:31:50 PM by left that other site (Your Mi'KMaq Paddy Whacky Bass Playing Biker Buddy)
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To: Williford
re: Do your job
They can't. They have no idea what to do, and no fire in the belly to drive them to do it. They honestly think George Bush was the threat to America. They are beginning to realize the true threat was Islamic extremism and it's a totally new idea to them. Every ounce of fight they had in them was used against the non-enemy of George Bush and Dick Cheney and the US military.
They have been caught flat-footed and have no idea what do do or how to do it.
20 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:45:40 PM by jwparkerjr
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To: reaganaut1
Sure wish Pres. Bush would speak up already. Either Pres. Bush.
21 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:46:54 PM by 668 - Neighbor of the Beast (STOP the Tyrananny State.)
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To: left that other site
Their solution to a Terrorist Attack is to search through the archives for a similar failure in the Bush Administration?”
Conservatives can play that game:
How many rips in the fabric of security occurred under CLINTON?
Embassy bombings...
Cole Attack...
Refusing to take Osama Bin Laden from the Saudi’s because “we cannot think of a law to prosecute him under” (Thank you Madeline Never Will Be Bright).
When was the bombing of the Marine barracks?
I am sure Freepers can add to my list with ease.
We need to assess how guilty Clinton is for HIS actions.
22 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:49:05 PM by ridesthemiles
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To: muawiyah
that the PASSENGERS are the principal force in national security.””
Soooo Has Janet Nappy put the Dutch tourist on the payroll or in for a large reward?
23 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:50:06 PM by ridesthemiles
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To: left that other site
send it to the Capitol Steps - they do wicked political satire
24 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:53:17 PM by silverleaf (More folks were invited to the White House for Holiday parties than are being sent to Afghanistan)
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To: left that other site
"grasping at strasws"
Undoubtedly the Bush admin made errors too including the failure to enact profiling against likely bombers. But the big difference between the Bush admin and the Obama admin is that the Bush admin knew we were at war with Islamo-fascist terrorism. The Obama admin keeps on pretending the evildoers do not exist. We lucked out on Christmas. But eventually we'll all pay for their criminal ignorance.
25 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:53:38 PM by driftless2 (for long term happiness, learn how to play the accordion)
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To: ridesthemiles
Hillary to way too busy now setting herself up to run against Palin.
Never ever elect another Clinton to office.
26 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:54:51 PM by freekitty (Give me back my conservative vote; then find me a real conservative to vote for)
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To: left that other site; Liz; onyx; STARWISE; LucyT; MinuteGal; Jeff Head; doug from upland
Excellent LTOS.....can always count on a freeper to see the humor in this pathetic amateur group.
(To the tune of “Climb Every Mountain”
Comb every archive
Search Every Vault
Dig through Every hard drive
Make it Bush’s fault
Sort every shredder
Pick every brain
Make up a new memo
Cause our country pain
Call up IBM, and tell them you will pay
If they’d lend you an old Selectric for a day!
Chase every rumor
For your assault
make mountains out of molehills,
c2009 left that other site with apologies to Rogers and Hammerstein
27 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:58:56 PM by hoosiermama (ONLY DEAD FISH GO WITH THE FLOW.......I am swimming with Sarahcudah! Sarah has read the tealeaves.)
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To: reaganaut1
So let’s review.
The BVD bomber gets on a U.S. bound plane without luggage, without a passport, and a one-way ticket, and would have blown up the plane except for the brave intervention of a Dutch tourist.
The U/S. government’s response is to:
1. Say the system worked, then say it didn’t.
2. Investigate bloggers who published TSA directives sent to 10,000 airports.
3. Comb thru classified documents from the Bush administration to try and find something, anything, to deflect attention.
I feel so very safe.
28 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:59:21 PM by 6SJ7 (atlasShruggedInd = TRUE)
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To: reaganaut1
This and Eric Holder's Christmas gift to Al qaeda
Gitmo class of 2009
Eric 'Cov&Burl' Holder sent more of his buddies home weekend before Christmas: _Afghans Abdul Hafiz, Sharifullah, Mohamed Rahim and Mohammed Hashim. _Somali detainees Mohammed Soliman Barre and Ismael Arale. _Yemenis Jamal Muhammad Alawi Mari, Farouq Ali Ahmed, Ayman Saeed Abdullah Batarfi, Muhammaed Yasir Ahmed Taher, Fayad Yahya Ahmed al Rami and Riyad Atiq Ali Abdu al Haf.*
Watch for all their names in the news, blowing up CIA meetings in Afghanistan, preparing bonfire diapers in Yemen, and generally making the USA look like the keystone cops (Chicago style).
note * source
29 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:59:51 PM by CRBDeuce (here, while the internet is still free of the Fairness Doctrine)
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To: kittymyrib
This is an impeachable offense. The foremost duty of the President is to protect the United States of America. It is not to win re-election.””
Go after Clinton for treason, also-—He destroyed our long established and carefully built HUMAN INTELLIGENCE on the ground when he got enamoured with all the satellite information.
30 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:01:36 PM by ridesthemiles
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To: silverleaf
NObama was born a Muslim.
He was educated as a Muslim.
He will die a Muslim.
31 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:02:46 PM by ridesthemiles
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To: hoosiermama
Thank You my FRiend!
32 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:03:06 PM by left that other site (Your Mi'KMaq Paddy Whacky Bass Playing Biker Buddy)
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To: driftless2
criminal ignorance Chicago style
Yep The Obama Legacy: Criminal Ignorants Administration and a Criminal Ignorant-in-Chief
33 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:05:28 PM by CRBDeuce (here, while the internet is still free of the Fairness Doctrine)
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To: reaganaut1
FIRE NAPOLITANO! Arrogance and Incompetence is a deadly combination.
34 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:07:06 PM by BuffaloJack (Hoax and Chains is not the same as hope and change.)
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To: ridesthemiles
"NObama was born a Muslim.
He was educated as a Muslim."
"He will die a Muslim."
35 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:09:58 PM by chuck_the_tv_out ( <<< click my name: now featuring Freeper classifieds)
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To: reaganaut1
There has been, in my opinion, a stretch to blame this on President Bush by the Bowrama administration. Nappy has to go! A total incompetent!
36 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:10:09 PM by Bushbacker1 ( I'll miss President Bush greatly! Palin in 2012! The "other" Jim Thompson)
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To: BuffaloJack
“FIRE NAPOLITANO! Arrogance and Incompetence is a deadly combination.”
That is a good one. There is Marxism in the air. Please move along. NOTHING will be done because everything is progressing in the correct direction.
Watch for many more RADICAL MUSLIM terrorist attempts in the near future.
37 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:10:26 PM by gathersnomoss (General George Patton had it right.)
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To: reaganaut1
I can just see the SNL skits now...
38 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:11:20 PM by bjc (Check the data!!)
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To: 668 - Neighbor of the Beast
Sure wish Pres. Bush would speak up already. Either Pres. Bush.
Won't happen. Too much class! Unlike the present Bowrama administration and the rest of his court jesters.
39 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:12:52 PM by Bushbacker1 ( I'll miss President Bush greatly! Palin in 2012! The "other" Jim Thompson)
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To: Williford
Forget the politics. Do your job.
Don't hold your breath. Everything is politics with Zero and his gang of merry incompetents. They didn't seek power to protect America. Their aim is to consolidate power for themselves and their party. Also, to them, America is the bad guy and deserves a comeuppance. They are twisted to the core.
Posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:49:19 PM by reaganaut1
Edited on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:35:19 PM by Admin Moderator. [history]
On December 26, two days after Nigerian Omar Abdulmutallab allegedly attempted to use underwear packed with plastic explosives to blow up the Amsterdam-to-Detroit flight he was on, and as it became clear internally that the Administration had suffered perhaps its most embarrassing failure in the area of national security, senior Obama White House aides, including chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod and new White House counsel Robert Bauer, ordered staff to begin researching similar breakdowns -- if any -- from the Bush Administration.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; Crime/Corruption; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 910mentality; 911forgotten; americainperil; axelrod; bho4terrorists; dnc4terrorists; enemydomestic; flight253; obama4obama; obama4terrorists; tas
I wonder why White House staffers say things to conservative reporters that make them look like traitors.
1 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:49:19 PM by reaganaut1
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To: reaganaut1
I don’t recall getting this kind of leak from the Clinton admin. Suppose this is real? It is credible; it’s the Chicago way.
2 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:51:58 PM by jimfree (In 2012 Sarah Palin will continue to have more relevant quality executive experience than B. Obama.)
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To: reaganaut1
3 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:54:04 PM by happinesswithoutpeace (Nobody move, Nobody get hurt)
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To: reaganaut1
Their solution to a Terrorist Attack is to search through the archives for a similar failure in the Bush Administration?
Grasping at straws.
4 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:56:33 PM by left that other site (Your Mi'KMaq Paddy Whacky Bass Playing Biker Buddy)
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To: reaganaut1
If true, this makes them look all the more incompetent as they would have to have ignored previous problems and did not do anything fix them.
5 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:56:56 PM by N. Theknow (Kennedys: Can't fly, can't ski, can't drive, can't skipper a boat, but they know what's best.)
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To: reaganaut1
The problem here is that Obama has surrounded himself with the same third-rate hacks he knew before getting elected.
Napolitano was correct in her original summation that the PASSENGERS are the principal force in national security.
6 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:59:02 PM by muawiyah
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To: reaganaut1
apparently by Axelrod and Emmanuel and Bauer(Anita Dunn’s husband, the newest zealot on the block) tasking staffers to declassify information to make Bush look bad- those staffers are being asked to become traitors
Now we know who is running the country’s response to another al Qaeda domestic attack while bambi, Biden and Pelosi are on tropical vacations
Note the incredible chutzpah of this troika starting a spin campaign accusing the GOP of politicizing national security by questions and criticisms! DeMint is being singled out by name, along with Cheney of course. Godspeed, gentlemen
7 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:59:43 PM by silverleaf (More folks were invited to the White House for Holiday parties than are being sent to Afghanistan)
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To: reaganaut1
Blaming Bush doesn’t stop panty bombers. Bummer administration, welcome to the real world.
8 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:00:43 PM by HiTech RedNeck (I am in America but not of America (per bible: am in the world but not of it))
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To: silverleaf
This is more than asking people to be politically disloyal to President Bush. This is presenting a blueprint of what America knows, or doesn’t, right out where our enemies can see it. One of the best things George W. Bush did was to keep mum even though it was pushed to a fault.
Oy vey, Bummer, the gift that keeps giving.
9 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:03:30 PM by HiTech RedNeck (I am in America but not of America (per bible: am in the world but not of it))
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To: jimfree
I don't know whether it's incompetence or overconfidence that drives the left's idiocy any more.
Shred documents? Destroy hard drives? No, don't bother, just leave them for the reporters to find.
The system is corrupt, and they don't even bother to deny it any more. "We won, and we'll do what we like, and we don't care what you think about it."
10 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:04:39 PM by ZOOKER ( Exploring the fine line between cynicism and outright depression)
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To: HiTech RedNeck
classified information is not the property of the White House to use in opposition research
It belongs to the People of the United States of America, and is to be kept safe for our benefit and protection
as usual the narcissists running our country fail to grasp that distinction
11 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:06:38 PM by silverleaf (More folks were invited to the White House for Holiday parties than are being sent to Afghanistan)
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To: left that other site
and now, in these fragile times, we can wonder how much precious agency and analyst time is being directed by this White House to search the past for an excuse to smear Bush, instead of using all our analysts’ efforts to look FORWARD to try to deter the next attack!
12 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:10:38 PM by silverleaf (More folks were invited to the White House for Holiday parties than are being sent to Afghanistan)
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To: reaganaut1
“This White House doesn’t view the Northwest [Airlines] failure as one of national security, it’s a political issue,”...
Are you kidding me? I don’t have the time to write about all of the ramifications of this statement and no one has the time to read them anyway, but these jokers need come to the understanding very quickly that this is not some kind of game. It’s simple. The terrorists want to kill us. What is not so simple is stopping them. Forget the politics. Do your job.
13 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:14:32 PM by Williford
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To: Williford
So does anyone have to guess what the preliminary investigation results will be when they are released later today? They are going to try the “Bush’s fault” line once too often and this will be the straw that broke the camel’s back.
14 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:18:34 PM by mazda77 (Rubio for US Senate - West FL22nd - Dockery for Gov.)
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To: reaganaut1
15 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:19:15 PM by Diogenesis ("Those who go below the surface do so at their peril" - Oscar Wilde)
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To: reaganaut1
>> Nigerian Omar Abdulmutallab allegedly attempted to use underwear packed with plastic explosives <<
16 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:25:16 PM by Hawthorn
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To: reaganaut1; kristinn
OBOZO and his Band of Dispicable GOONS are OUTRAGEOUS!!!!
17 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:25:17 PM by True Republican Patriot (May GOD Continue to BLESS Our Great President George W. Bush!!)
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To: reaganaut1
This is an impeachable offense. The foremost duty of the President is to protect the United States of America. It is not to win re-election.
18 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:31:19 PM by kittymyrib
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To: silverleaf
(To the tune of “Climb Every Mountain”
Comb every archive
Search Every Vault
Dig through Every hard drive
Make it Bush’s fault
Sort every shredder
Pick every brain
Make up a new memo
Cause our country pain
Call up IBM, and tell them you will pay
If they’d lend you an old Selectric for a day!
Chase every rumor
For your assault
make mountains out of molehills,
c2009 left that other site with apologies to Rogers and Hammerstein
19 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:31:50 PM by left that other site (Your Mi'KMaq Paddy Whacky Bass Playing Biker Buddy)
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To: Williford
re: Do your job
They can't. They have no idea what to do, and no fire in the belly to drive them to do it. They honestly think George Bush was the threat to America. They are beginning to realize the true threat was Islamic extremism and it's a totally new idea to them. Every ounce of fight they had in them was used against the non-enemy of George Bush and Dick Cheney and the US military.
They have been caught flat-footed and have no idea what do do or how to do it.
20 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:45:40 PM by jwparkerjr
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To: reaganaut1
Sure wish Pres. Bush would speak up already. Either Pres. Bush.
21 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:46:54 PM by 668 - Neighbor of the Beast (STOP the Tyrananny State.)
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To: left that other site
Their solution to a Terrorist Attack is to search through the archives for a similar failure in the Bush Administration?”
Conservatives can play that game:
How many rips in the fabric of security occurred under CLINTON?
Embassy bombings...
Cole Attack...
Refusing to take Osama Bin Laden from the Saudi’s because “we cannot think of a law to prosecute him under” (Thank you Madeline Never Will Be Bright).
When was the bombing of the Marine barracks?
I am sure Freepers can add to my list with ease.
We need to assess how guilty Clinton is for HIS actions.
22 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:49:05 PM by ridesthemiles
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To: muawiyah
that the PASSENGERS are the principal force in national security.””
Soooo Has Janet Nappy put the Dutch tourist on the payroll or in for a large reward?
23 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:50:06 PM by ridesthemiles
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To: left that other site
send it to the Capitol Steps - they do wicked political satire
24 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:53:17 PM by silverleaf (More folks were invited to the White House for Holiday parties than are being sent to Afghanistan)
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To: left that other site
"grasping at strasws"
Undoubtedly the Bush admin made errors too including the failure to enact profiling against likely bombers. But the big difference between the Bush admin and the Obama admin is that the Bush admin knew we were at war with Islamo-fascist terrorism. The Obama admin keeps on pretending the evildoers do not exist. We lucked out on Christmas. But eventually we'll all pay for their criminal ignorance.
25 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:53:38 PM by driftless2 (for long term happiness, learn how to play the accordion)
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To: ridesthemiles
Hillary to way too busy now setting herself up to run against Palin.
Never ever elect another Clinton to office.
26 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:54:51 PM by freekitty (Give me back my conservative vote; then find me a real conservative to vote for)
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To: left that other site; Liz; onyx; STARWISE; LucyT; MinuteGal; Jeff Head; doug from upland
Excellent LTOS.....can always count on a freeper to see the humor in this pathetic amateur group.
(To the tune of “Climb Every Mountain”
Comb every archive
Search Every Vault
Dig through Every hard drive
Make it Bush’s fault
Sort every shredder
Pick every brain
Make up a new memo
Cause our country pain
Call up IBM, and tell them you will pay
If they’d lend you an old Selectric for a day!
Chase every rumor
For your assault
make mountains out of molehills,
c2009 left that other site with apologies to Rogers and Hammerstein
27 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:58:56 PM by hoosiermama (ONLY DEAD FISH GO WITH THE FLOW.......I am swimming with Sarahcudah! Sarah has read the tealeaves.)
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To: reaganaut1
So let’s review.
The BVD bomber gets on a U.S. bound plane without luggage, without a passport, and a one-way ticket, and would have blown up the plane except for the brave intervention of a Dutch tourist.
The U/S. government’s response is to:
1. Say the system worked, then say it didn’t.
2. Investigate bloggers who published TSA directives sent to 10,000 airports.
3. Comb thru classified documents from the Bush administration to try and find something, anything, to deflect attention.
I feel so very safe.
28 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:59:21 PM by 6SJ7 (atlasShruggedInd = TRUE)
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To: reaganaut1
This and Eric Holder's Christmas gift to Al qaeda
Gitmo class of 2009
Eric 'Cov&Burl' Holder sent more of his buddies home weekend before Christmas: _Afghans Abdul Hafiz, Sharifullah, Mohamed Rahim and Mohammed Hashim. _Somali detainees Mohammed Soliman Barre and Ismael Arale. _Yemenis Jamal Muhammad Alawi Mari, Farouq Ali Ahmed, Ayman Saeed Abdullah Batarfi, Muhammaed Yasir Ahmed Taher, Fayad Yahya Ahmed al Rami and Riyad Atiq Ali Abdu al Haf.*
Watch for all their names in the news, blowing up CIA meetings in Afghanistan, preparing bonfire diapers in Yemen, and generally making the USA look like the keystone cops (Chicago style).
note * source
29 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:59:51 PM by CRBDeuce (here, while the internet is still free of the Fairness Doctrine)
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To: kittymyrib
This is an impeachable offense. The foremost duty of the President is to protect the United States of America. It is not to win re-election.””
Go after Clinton for treason, also-—He destroyed our long established and carefully built HUMAN INTELLIGENCE on the ground when he got enamoured with all the satellite information.
30 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:01:36 PM by ridesthemiles
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To: silverleaf
NObama was born a Muslim.
He was educated as a Muslim.
He will die a Muslim.
31 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:02:46 PM by ridesthemiles
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To: hoosiermama
Thank You my FRiend!
32 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:03:06 PM by left that other site (Your Mi'KMaq Paddy Whacky Bass Playing Biker Buddy)
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To: driftless2
criminal ignorance Chicago style
Yep The Obama Legacy: Criminal Ignorants Administration and a Criminal Ignorant-in-Chief
33 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:05:28 PM by CRBDeuce (here, while the internet is still free of the Fairness Doctrine)
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To: reaganaut1
FIRE NAPOLITANO! Arrogance and Incompetence is a deadly combination.
34 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:07:06 PM by BuffaloJack (Hoax and Chains is not the same as hope and change.)
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To: ridesthemiles
"NObama was born a Muslim.
He was educated as a Muslim."
"He will die a Muslim."
35 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:09:58 PM by chuck_the_tv_out ( <<< click my name: now featuring Freeper classifieds)
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To: reaganaut1
There has been, in my opinion, a stretch to blame this on President Bush by the Bowrama administration. Nappy has to go! A total incompetent!
36 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:10:09 PM by Bushbacker1 ( I'll miss President Bush greatly! Palin in 2012! The "other" Jim Thompson)
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To: BuffaloJack
“FIRE NAPOLITANO! Arrogance and Incompetence is a deadly combination.”
That is a good one. There is Marxism in the air. Please move along. NOTHING will be done because everything is progressing in the correct direction.
Watch for many more RADICAL MUSLIM terrorist attempts in the near future.
37 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:10:26 PM by gathersnomoss (General George Patton had it right.)
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To: reaganaut1
I can just see the SNL skits now...
38 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:11:20 PM by bjc (Check the data!!)
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To: 668 - Neighbor of the Beast
Sure wish Pres. Bush would speak up already. Either Pres. Bush.
Won't happen. Too much class! Unlike the present Bowrama administration and the rest of his court jesters.
39 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:12:52 PM by Bushbacker1 ( I'll miss President Bush greatly! Palin in 2012! The "other" Jim Thompson)
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To: Williford
Forget the politics. Do your job.
Don't hold your breath. Everything is politics with Zero and his gang of merry incompetents. They didn't seek power to protect America. Their aim is to consolidate power for themselves and their party. Also, to them, America is the bad guy and deserves a comeuppance. They are twisted to the core.
Unrest in Iran: The Vindication of George W. Bush ^ | December 31, 2009 | Larry Elder
Posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:40:29 PM by Kaslin
Did Saddam Hussein's fall and the formation of a fledging democracy in Iraq encourage and embolden regime-threatening dissent in Iran?
The anti-Iraq War crowd, many of whom suffer from Give-George-W.-Bush-No Credit-for-Anything Disease, says, "No, of course not." How dare anyone even suggest that the former President was correct, if not about the rightfulness of the war itself, then about his argument that a "free and peaceful" Iraq would provide a "dramatic and inspiring example" to the Middle East and the Muslim world. Good Lord!
The Iraq War-achieved-zero crowd begrudged Bush nothing even after the democratic Cedar Revolution in Lebanon. Never mind that Walid Jumblatt, a Lebanese Druze Muslim leader, said: "It's strange for me to say it, but this process of change has started because of the American invasion of Iraq. I was cynical about Iraq. But when I saw the Iraqi people voting (in 2005), 8 million of them, it was the start of a new Arab world."
As to Iran, The New York Times quoted a pundit-blogger who, when protests began this past summer, wrote, "(N)o Iranian ... has mentioned Iraq as an inspiration for the demonstrations, nor has any leader of their opposition cited their Iraqi neighbors as a model or a source of guidance."
Meet Mohsen Kadivar. In May 2004, Time magazine profiled this Iranian intellectual in a flattering article called "The Critical Cleric -- Reclaiming Islam for a New World." Newsweek called him a global leader "to watch in 2005." His criticism of the Iranian regime landed him in jail. He now teaches at Duke University, and PBS's Charlie Rose interviewed him in July.
What does this cleric says about Iraq's possible influence on his native country? In February 2005, he said: "I think the Iraqis can make what we wanted to create but were unsuccessful: a real Islamic Republic. By that I mean a republic with Islamic values, democracy with Islamic values ... (where) the clergy has no special rights. If they have a good government with Islamic democracy and without any special or divine rights for the clergy, the Iranian government won't be able to justify its situation to the Iranian citizens."
Meet Mashallah Shamsolvaezin. In 2000, this Iranian journalist received an International Press Freedom Award but could not attend the formal dinner honoring him. Shamsolvaezin was then sitting in a Tehran prison for the crime of "insulting Islamic values." The authorities shut down several publications that he edited. Just days ago, he and several other journalists were arrested in Iran.
What did he say about Iraq's possible influence on Iran? "The Shi'as in Iraq have accepted the notion of having a secular government, and they are slowly moving toward the democratization of their country -- free elections, democratic institutions, a free press. All of this in and of itself will have an impact on the situation in Iran."
Meet Mohsen Sazegara. This Revolutionary Guard co-founder and former Islamic Republic supporter became a critic. He attempted to run for president of Iran, but authorities denied his application. He spent three months in jail for opposing the regime. He now lives in the United States and faces more prison time should he return to his country.
What did he say about Iraq's possible influence on Iran? "I personally hope that Iraq's (transition to democracy) will be completed successfully so that it can also help our nation. For sure, neighbors with democratic governments are much better for us than dictators such as Saddam Hussein or backward groups such as the Taliban ... . Our young generation in particular has shown ... that it has a strong desire for democracy, human rights and civil society, and a strong desire to join the international (community). And when democratic changes take place in our neighboring and brother country Iraq, with its many ties to us, it encourages our youth, and emboldens our young people to ask for change in our current constitution."
In truth, the anti-Iraq War/Bush-hating left despises the former President far more than do the Iranians.
Almost two years after we entered Iraq, Iranians, according to a 2004 BBC poll, preferred Bush (52 percent) over John Kerry (42 percent) in the U.S. presidential elections. When asked whether the U.S. should get out of the Middle East, only 20 percent of Iranians said yes.
In May 2004, New York Times columnist Nicholas D. Kristof traveled to Iran. He wrote: "Everywhere I've gone in Iran ... people have been exceptionally friendly and fulsome in their praise for the United States, and often for President Bush as well. ... Indeed, many Iranians seem convinced that the U.S. military ventures in Afghanistan and Iraq are going great, and they say this with more conviction than your average White House spokesman."
The Iraq War and fledging democracy continue to pay dividends. It helped convince Libya's strongman to surrender his WMD. It helped inspire a democratic movement in Lebanon. And it may, just may, help to bring down an Islamofascist government that is the leading exporter of terrorism -- before it gets a nuclear bomb.
Just as the "neo-cons" had hoped.
TOPICS: Editorial
KEYWORDS: bush; iran; iraq; presidentbush; wot
1 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:40:29 PM by Kaslin
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To: Kaslin
We know that our toppling of Saddam Hussein was the impetus for Libya to reveal it’s own WMD program.
We certainly had a world more afraid of the ‘cowboy’ than they are of the effete wimp currently occupying the White House.
2 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:50:39 PM by Carley (OBAMA IS A MALEVOLENT FORCE IN THE WORLD)
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To: Kaslin
In addition to destroying the command and control infratructure of al qaeda, President Bush and his courageous troops planted the transformational seed of freedom in both Iraq and Afghanistan — the Middle East will never be the same (and that’s a good thing)!!
3 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:57:00 PM by DrDeb
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To: Kaslin
One of my prayers for the past 8 years has been that History will vindicate George W. Bush.
4 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:06:56 PM by left that other site (Your Mi'KMaq Paddy Whacky Bass Playing Biker Buddy)
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To: Carley
The final chapter on Iraq has not been written yet just like Truman’s Korean War efforts did not bear fruit until the 1990’s when a truly democratic South Korea emerged after being ruled by military authoritarian governments. Remember when we fought in Korea, many Americans wondered why we are fighting and dying for a backwards Asian country when our strategic interests really lie in Europe. Even after the armistice, the South Korean government that followed was contrary to our American ideals of freedom and individual rights. But all things take time.
Iraq is the same situation. Will a multi ethic Iraq ruled by a Shia majority hold together? Or will it need another authoritarian government to hold it together? We will not know until several decades past.
Same with Iran. The students alone could not spark the revolt until the rural Iranians stepped in after the government attacked the mourners of a popular mullah. The current revolt is really a coalition of students and dissident mullahs who are against the takeover of the government by the Almenidjad lead IRG and Basij. Once the current government is overthrown will the dissident mullahs (with the support of the more religious rural Iranians) turn on the students like the post Shah period? Time will tell. Right now it is too early to credit or discredit GWB strategy to undermind fundamentalist Islam.
5 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:28:17 PM by Fee (Peace, prosperity, jobs and common sense)
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To: left that other site
I pray he will be vindicated long before the new history books are written. After all, most of them are written by libs who skewer the facts and play foot loose and fancy free with the true facts.
6 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:31:39 PM by Catsrus
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To: Carley
Indeed we did. The current occupant is nothing but a laughing stock. He is transparent alright. You can see right through him
7 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:35:36 PM by Kaslin (Acronym for 0bama: One Big Ass Mistake America)
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To: DrDeb
Very well said
8 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:36:10 PM by Kaslin (Acronym for 0bama: One Big Ass Mistake America)
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To: left that other site
Bush planted the seed of freedom in the middle east and soon the fruits of his action will be shown. Ive said this to my friends. It will take 20 years to make a fair evaluation but already the is reason to be very optimistic. If only our government would support Iranian freedom.
9 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:37:50 PM by refermech
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To: left that other site
I predicted that many will miss President Bush and my prediction has come true. I also predicted and still do that history will show President Bush as the best president of this century, if not all times
10 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:39:33 PM by Kaslin (Acronym for 0bama: One Big Ass Mistake America)
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To: Kaslin
Fascinating article.
Leave it to the New Media to do the job that the Old Media should have done.
11 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:43:29 PM by reagan_fanatic (Bush at his worst was still better than Obama at his best.)
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To: reagan_fanatic
12 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:45:04 PM by Kaslin (Acronym for 0bama: One Big Ass Mistake America)
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To: Carley
Ah, the age old question, is it better to be feared than loved?
There were a few times I was mad at GW, but I always respected him and knew where he stood.
Perhaps the Democrats learned that when the Republicans ‘compromised with the opposition’ it angered the ‘base’ and they were not going to repeat that ‘mistake’.
I’ve often said “If Republicans behaved like Democrats, why do we need two parties?”
13 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:46:48 PM by griswold3 (You think health care is expensive now? Just wait till it's FREE!)
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To: Catsrus
True about the History Books.
They care more about “Diversity” than anything else.
Sometimes, when at a student’s home, and I see a History Book lying on the table, I sneak a peek.
A Middle School Text had one page for WW2 and did not mention the Holocaust.
It had three pages for the Contributions Of Women to American History.
I am Female, But was APPALLED!
14 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:02:14 PM by left that other site (Your Mi'KMaq Paddy Whacky Bass Playing Biker Buddy)
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To: refermech
"Bush planted the seed of freedom in the middle east"
15 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:20:12 PM by left that other site (Your Mi'KMaq Paddy Whacky Bass Playing Biker Buddy)
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To: Kaslin
Thank you G. W. Bush, we do miss you so.
16 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:21:05 PM by quesera (We are so screwed!!)
Posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:40:29 PM by Kaslin
Did Saddam Hussein's fall and the formation of a fledging democracy in Iraq encourage and embolden regime-threatening dissent in Iran?
The anti-Iraq War crowd, many of whom suffer from Give-George-W.-Bush-No Credit-for-Anything Disease, says, "No, of course not." How dare anyone even suggest that the former President was correct, if not about the rightfulness of the war itself, then about his argument that a "free and peaceful" Iraq would provide a "dramatic and inspiring example" to the Middle East and the Muslim world. Good Lord!
The Iraq War-achieved-zero crowd begrudged Bush nothing even after the democratic Cedar Revolution in Lebanon. Never mind that Walid Jumblatt, a Lebanese Druze Muslim leader, said: "It's strange for me to say it, but this process of change has started because of the American invasion of Iraq. I was cynical about Iraq. But when I saw the Iraqi people voting (in 2005), 8 million of them, it was the start of a new Arab world."
As to Iran, The New York Times quoted a pundit-blogger who, when protests began this past summer, wrote, "(N)o Iranian ... has mentioned Iraq as an inspiration for the demonstrations, nor has any leader of their opposition cited their Iraqi neighbors as a model or a source of guidance."
Meet Mohsen Kadivar. In May 2004, Time magazine profiled this Iranian intellectual in a flattering article called "The Critical Cleric -- Reclaiming Islam for a New World." Newsweek called him a global leader "to watch in 2005." His criticism of the Iranian regime landed him in jail. He now teaches at Duke University, and PBS's Charlie Rose interviewed him in July.
What does this cleric says about Iraq's possible influence on his native country? In February 2005, he said: "I think the Iraqis can make what we wanted to create but were unsuccessful: a real Islamic Republic. By that I mean a republic with Islamic values, democracy with Islamic values ... (where) the clergy has no special rights. If they have a good government with Islamic democracy and without any special or divine rights for the clergy, the Iranian government won't be able to justify its situation to the Iranian citizens."
Meet Mashallah Shamsolvaezin. In 2000, this Iranian journalist received an International Press Freedom Award but could not attend the formal dinner honoring him. Shamsolvaezin was then sitting in a Tehran prison for the crime of "insulting Islamic values." The authorities shut down several publications that he edited. Just days ago, he and several other journalists were arrested in Iran.
What did he say about Iraq's possible influence on Iran? "The Shi'as in Iraq have accepted the notion of having a secular government, and they are slowly moving toward the democratization of their country -- free elections, democratic institutions, a free press. All of this in and of itself will have an impact on the situation in Iran."
Meet Mohsen Sazegara. This Revolutionary Guard co-founder and former Islamic Republic supporter became a critic. He attempted to run for president of Iran, but authorities denied his application. He spent three months in jail for opposing the regime. He now lives in the United States and faces more prison time should he return to his country.
What did he say about Iraq's possible influence on Iran? "I personally hope that Iraq's (transition to democracy) will be completed successfully so that it can also help our nation. For sure, neighbors with democratic governments are much better for us than dictators such as Saddam Hussein or backward groups such as the Taliban ... . Our young generation in particular has shown ... that it has a strong desire for democracy, human rights and civil society, and a strong desire to join the international (community). And when democratic changes take place in our neighboring and brother country Iraq, with its many ties to us, it encourages our youth, and emboldens our young people to ask for change in our current constitution."
In truth, the anti-Iraq War/Bush-hating left despises the former President far more than do the Iranians.
Almost two years after we entered Iraq, Iranians, according to a 2004 BBC poll, preferred Bush (52 percent) over John Kerry (42 percent) in the U.S. presidential elections. When asked whether the U.S. should get out of the Middle East, only 20 percent of Iranians said yes.
In May 2004, New York Times columnist Nicholas D. Kristof traveled to Iran. He wrote: "Everywhere I've gone in Iran ... people have been exceptionally friendly and fulsome in their praise for the United States, and often for President Bush as well. ... Indeed, many Iranians seem convinced that the U.S. military ventures in Afghanistan and Iraq are going great, and they say this with more conviction than your average White House spokesman."
The Iraq War and fledging democracy continue to pay dividends. It helped convince Libya's strongman to surrender his WMD. It helped inspire a democratic movement in Lebanon. And it may, just may, help to bring down an Islamofascist government that is the leading exporter of terrorism -- before it gets a nuclear bomb.
Just as the "neo-cons" had hoped.
TOPICS: Editorial
KEYWORDS: bush; iran; iraq; presidentbush; wot
1 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:40:29 PM by Kaslin
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | View Replies]
To: Kaslin
We know that our toppling of Saddam Hussein was the impetus for Libya to reveal it’s own WMD program.
We certainly had a world more afraid of the ‘cowboy’ than they are of the effete wimp currently occupying the White House.
2 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:50:39 PM by Carley (OBAMA IS A MALEVOLENT FORCE IN THE WORLD)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies]
To: Kaslin
In addition to destroying the command and control infratructure of al qaeda, President Bush and his courageous troops planted the transformational seed of freedom in both Iraq and Afghanistan — the Middle East will never be the same (and that’s a good thing)!!
3 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:57:00 PM by DrDeb
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To: Kaslin
One of my prayers for the past 8 years has been that History will vindicate George W. Bush.
4 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:06:56 PM by left that other site (Your Mi'KMaq Paddy Whacky Bass Playing Biker Buddy)
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To: Carley
The final chapter on Iraq has not been written yet just like Truman’s Korean War efforts did not bear fruit until the 1990’s when a truly democratic South Korea emerged after being ruled by military authoritarian governments. Remember when we fought in Korea, many Americans wondered why we are fighting and dying for a backwards Asian country when our strategic interests really lie in Europe. Even after the armistice, the South Korean government that followed was contrary to our American ideals of freedom and individual rights. But all things take time.
Iraq is the same situation. Will a multi ethic Iraq ruled by a Shia majority hold together? Or will it need another authoritarian government to hold it together? We will not know until several decades past.
Same with Iran. The students alone could not spark the revolt until the rural Iranians stepped in after the government attacked the mourners of a popular mullah. The current revolt is really a coalition of students and dissident mullahs who are against the takeover of the government by the Almenidjad lead IRG and Basij. Once the current government is overthrown will the dissident mullahs (with the support of the more religious rural Iranians) turn on the students like the post Shah period? Time will tell. Right now it is too early to credit or discredit GWB strategy to undermind fundamentalist Islam.
5 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:28:17 PM by Fee (Peace, prosperity, jobs and common sense)
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To: left that other site
I pray he will be vindicated long before the new history books are written. After all, most of them are written by libs who skewer the facts and play foot loose and fancy free with the true facts.
6 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:31:39 PM by Catsrus
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To: Carley
Indeed we did. The current occupant is nothing but a laughing stock. He is transparent alright. You can see right through him
7 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:35:36 PM by Kaslin (Acronym for 0bama: One Big Ass Mistake America)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 2 | View Replies]
To: DrDeb
Very well said
8 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:36:10 PM by Kaslin (Acronym for 0bama: One Big Ass Mistake America)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 3 | View Replies]
To: left that other site
Bush planted the seed of freedom in the middle east and soon the fruits of his action will be shown. Ive said this to my friends. It will take 20 years to make a fair evaluation but already the is reason to be very optimistic. If only our government would support Iranian freedom.
9 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:37:50 PM by refermech
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To: left that other site
I predicted that many will miss President Bush and my prediction has come true. I also predicted and still do that history will show President Bush as the best president of this century, if not all times
10 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:39:33 PM by Kaslin (Acronym for 0bama: One Big Ass Mistake America)
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To: Kaslin
Fascinating article.
Leave it to the New Media to do the job that the Old Media should have done.
11 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:43:29 PM by reagan_fanatic (Bush at his worst was still better than Obama at his best.)
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To: reagan_fanatic
12 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:45:04 PM by Kaslin (Acronym for 0bama: One Big Ass Mistake America)
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To: Carley
Ah, the age old question, is it better to be feared than loved?
There were a few times I was mad at GW, but I always respected him and knew where he stood.
Perhaps the Democrats learned that when the Republicans ‘compromised with the opposition’ it angered the ‘base’ and they were not going to repeat that ‘mistake’.
I’ve often said “If Republicans behaved like Democrats, why do we need two parties?”
13 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:46:48 PM by griswold3 (You think health care is expensive now? Just wait till it's FREE!)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 2 | View Replies]
To: Catsrus
True about the History Books.
They care more about “Diversity” than anything else.
Sometimes, when at a student’s home, and I see a History Book lying on the table, I sneak a peek.
A Middle School Text had one page for WW2 and did not mention the Holocaust.
It had three pages for the Contributions Of Women to American History.
I am Female, But was APPALLED!
14 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:02:14 PM by left that other site (Your Mi'KMaq Paddy Whacky Bass Playing Biker Buddy)
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To: refermech
"Bush planted the seed of freedom in the middle east"
15 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:20:12 PM by left that other site (Your Mi'KMaq Paddy Whacky Bass Playing Biker Buddy)
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To: Kaslin
Thank you G. W. Bush, we do miss you so.
16 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 11:21:05 PM by quesera (We are so screwed!!)
This is a story about four people named, Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.
A Little Story from Marie
Posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 4:13:09 PM by TLittlefella
Not long ago I received an email from a person named Marie. She told me the following
story. I think the story is so very cool, I want to share it with everyone.
A Little Story from Marie
This is a story about four people named, Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.
There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.
Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job.
Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody, when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.
Let’s all hope the Tea Parties will do their important job so Nobody will be able to
blame them after the 2010 elections.
Thomas Littlefella
Posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 4:13:09 PM by TLittlefella
Not long ago I received an email from a person named Marie. She told me the following
story. I think the story is so very cool, I want to share it with everyone.
A Little Story from Marie
This is a story about four people named, Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.
There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.
Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job.
Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody, when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.
Let’s all hope the Tea Parties will do their important job so Nobody will be able to
blame them after the 2010 elections.
Thomas Littlefella
2009 Chickens and Their 2010 Roost
December 31, 2009
2009 Chickens and Their 2010 Roost
By Victor Davis Hanson
In the coming year, plenty of our chickens will be coming home to roost.
Take foreign relations. In 2009, the new administration assumed that George W. Bush was largely responsible for global tensions. As a remedy, we loudly reached out to our foes and those with whom we had uneasy relationships.
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Victor Davis Hanson RealClearPolitics
USD Barack Obama
George W. Bush Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Hugo Chavez Vladimir Putin
Obama administration Islamic Republic of Iran
China Russia
Venezuela President
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But so far these leaders -- like Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Venezuela's Hugo Chavez and Russia's Vladimir Putin -- have only interpreted Barack Obama's serial goodwill gestures as weaknesses to be exploited. They play the part of the pushy class bully, we the whiny nerd.
In the waning days of 2009, Iran has announced it has no intention of dismantling its nuclear facilities and ignored the latest Obama deadline to cease. There's no reason not to expect the theocracy to make significant strides in its nuclear program in 2010, while continuing without rebuke to beat and murder democratic dissidents in its streets.
Russia has announced plans to develop a new generation of nuclear weapons - and scoffed at our polite suggestions that it should pressure Iran to stop its nuclear development.
Venezuela brags of its own similar program to come -- an act that could threaten all the neighboring democracies in the region.
The administration courted China on a much-heralded Asian tour. President Obama even has said he would be our first "Pacific president."
Unfortunately, China was not impressed. It declined our advice about reducing its carbon footprint and instead reminded Americans that we owe the Chinese people nearly $1 trillion. Expect much more of that hectoring in 2010 as our debt to China grows.
Consider also the threat of Islamic terrorism. In 2009, some in the Obama administration decided "war on terror" was too provocative a label for what might be better dubbed "overseas contingency operations." Apparently, they were thinking a kinder, gentler image would discourage terrorists.
Accordingly, the self-confessed architect of Sept. 11, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, was promised a civil trial in New York rather than a military tribunal normally accorded to out-of-uniform murderous terrorists. Expect a lot of soapbox speechmaking about America's sins during his testimony in 2010.
As part of our efforts to break with the Bush anti-terrorism past, President Obama also vowed he would close the facility at Guantanamo Bay by Jan. 22, 2010 - another deadline that won't be met.
But as 2009 ended, we were reminded that radical Islamic terrorists still want to kill us for who we are, and what we represent, rather than any particular thing we do.
Maj. Nidal Hasan, nursed on radical Islamic doctrine, murdered 12 fellow soldiers and one civilian at Ford Hood, Texas. Five would-be terrorists with U.S. citizenship were arrested in Pakistan on their way to link up with Islamist militant groups. And Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was stopped in flight from Amsterdam before he could blow up an American passenger jet.
Note that all these recent terrorists were not poor, lived in the hospitable West - and cared little that the Obama administration has been critical of the U.S.'s prior war-on-terror policies.
So, while we assured the world in 2009 that we wouldn't be overzealous in our various efforts to stop terrorists, the terrorists proved they most certainly would be in theirs to kill us.
Meanwhile, at home we operated on the same naive assumptions. The Obama administration inherited a $500 billion deficit and expanded it threefold. Its planned mega-deficits may well grow the aggregate national debt over the next decade to over $20 trillion.
But the administration's 2009 calculations on how to service the growing red ink are based on continued cheap interest. Yet in 2010, it is likely we will see rising inflation, rising interest rates - and rising costs to the continual self-destructive borrowing.
We were given a financial break on energy prices in 2009. The worldwide recession sent oil down to about $50 a barrel. But America did little during the year's reprieve to rush into production newly discovered domestic gas and oil fields, to tap existing finds in Alaska, or to license new nuclear plants.
By year's end, oil was creeping back up to $80. If the economic upswing continues, in 2010 it may near its old high of nearly $150 a barrel. Soon we will wish we had done something concrete in 2009 rather than offering more stale rhetoric about wind and solar power.
In other words, 2009 may seem to have ended relatively quietly. But in our foreign relations, in the war against terror, in our massive borrowing, and in our energy policies, we created chickens that soon will come home to roost in 2010.
Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and author, most recently, of "A War Like No Other: How the Athenians and Spartans Fought the Peloponnesian War." You can reach him by e-mailing
Copyright 2009, Tribune Media Services Inc.
Page Printed from: at December 31, 2009 - 02:21:54 AM CST
2009 Chickens and Their 2010 Roost
By Victor Davis Hanson
In the coming year, plenty of our chickens will be coming home to roost.
Take foreign relations. In 2009, the new administration assumed that George W. Bush was largely responsible for global tensions. As a remedy, we loudly reached out to our foes and those with whom we had uneasy relationships.
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Victor Davis Hanson RealClearPolitics
USD Barack Obama
George W. Bush Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Hugo Chavez Vladimir Putin
Obama administration Islamic Republic of Iran
China Russia
Venezuela President
[+] More
But so far these leaders -- like Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Venezuela's Hugo Chavez and Russia's Vladimir Putin -- have only interpreted Barack Obama's serial goodwill gestures as weaknesses to be exploited. They play the part of the pushy class bully, we the whiny nerd.
In the waning days of 2009, Iran has announced it has no intention of dismantling its nuclear facilities and ignored the latest Obama deadline to cease. There's no reason not to expect the theocracy to make significant strides in its nuclear program in 2010, while continuing without rebuke to beat and murder democratic dissidents in its streets.
Russia has announced plans to develop a new generation of nuclear weapons - and scoffed at our polite suggestions that it should pressure Iran to stop its nuclear development.
Venezuela brags of its own similar program to come -- an act that could threaten all the neighboring democracies in the region.
The administration courted China on a much-heralded Asian tour. President Obama even has said he would be our first "Pacific president."
Unfortunately, China was not impressed. It declined our advice about reducing its carbon footprint and instead reminded Americans that we owe the Chinese people nearly $1 trillion. Expect much more of that hectoring in 2010 as our debt to China grows.
Consider also the threat of Islamic terrorism. In 2009, some in the Obama administration decided "war on terror" was too provocative a label for what might be better dubbed "overseas contingency operations." Apparently, they were thinking a kinder, gentler image would discourage terrorists.
Accordingly, the self-confessed architect of Sept. 11, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, was promised a civil trial in New York rather than a military tribunal normally accorded to out-of-uniform murderous terrorists. Expect a lot of soapbox speechmaking about America's sins during his testimony in 2010.
As part of our efforts to break with the Bush anti-terrorism past, President Obama also vowed he would close the facility at Guantanamo Bay by Jan. 22, 2010 - another deadline that won't be met.
But as 2009 ended, we were reminded that radical Islamic terrorists still want to kill us for who we are, and what we represent, rather than any particular thing we do.
Maj. Nidal Hasan, nursed on radical Islamic doctrine, murdered 12 fellow soldiers and one civilian at Ford Hood, Texas. Five would-be terrorists with U.S. citizenship were arrested in Pakistan on their way to link up with Islamist militant groups. And Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was stopped in flight from Amsterdam before he could blow up an American passenger jet.
Note that all these recent terrorists were not poor, lived in the hospitable West - and cared little that the Obama administration has been critical of the U.S.'s prior war-on-terror policies.
So, while we assured the world in 2009 that we wouldn't be overzealous in our various efforts to stop terrorists, the terrorists proved they most certainly would be in theirs to kill us.
Meanwhile, at home we operated on the same naive assumptions. The Obama administration inherited a $500 billion deficit and expanded it threefold. Its planned mega-deficits may well grow the aggregate national debt over the next decade to over $20 trillion.
But the administration's 2009 calculations on how to service the growing red ink are based on continued cheap interest. Yet in 2010, it is likely we will see rising inflation, rising interest rates - and rising costs to the continual self-destructive borrowing.
We were given a financial break on energy prices in 2009. The worldwide recession sent oil down to about $50 a barrel. But America did little during the year's reprieve to rush into production newly discovered domestic gas and oil fields, to tap existing finds in Alaska, or to license new nuclear plants.
By year's end, oil was creeping back up to $80. If the economic upswing continues, in 2010 it may near its old high of nearly $150 a barrel. Soon we will wish we had done something concrete in 2009 rather than offering more stale rhetoric about wind and solar power.
In other words, 2009 may seem to have ended relatively quietly. But in our foreign relations, in the war against terror, in our massive borrowing, and in our energy policies, we created chickens that soon will come home to roost in 2010.
Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and author, most recently, of "A War Like No Other: How the Athenians and Spartans Fought the Peloponnesian War." You can reach him by e-mailing
Copyright 2009, Tribune Media Services Inc.
Page Printed from: at December 31, 2009 - 02:21:54 AM CST
Stare at boobs for longer life: Study
The Med Guru ^ | December 6, 2009 | Neharika Sabharwal
Posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:47:07 PM by Slings and Arrows
Frankfurt, Germany, December 6 -- A rather bizarre study carried out by German researchers suggests that staring at women's breasts is good for men's health and increases their life expectancy.
According to Dr. Karen Weatherby, a gerontologist and author of the study, gawking at women’s breasts is a healthy practice, almost at par with an intense exercise regime, that prolongs the lifespan of a man by five years.
She added, "Just 10 minutes of staring at the charms of a well-endowed female, is roughly equivalent to a 30-minute aerobics work-out."
A five-year research on 500 men Researchers at three hospitals in Frankfurt, Germany did an in-depth analysis of 200 healthy males over a period of five years. Half the volunteers were instructed to ogle at the breasts of women daily, while the rest were told to refrain from doing so.
At the close of the study, the researchers noted that the men who stared at the breasts of females on a regular basis exhibited lower blood pressure, slower resting pulse rates and lesser episodes of coronary artery disease.
Sexual desire linked to better blood circulation The researchers declared that sexual desire gives rise to better blood circulation that signifies an overall improved health.
Weatherby explained the concept stating, "Sexual excitement gets the heart pumping and improves blood circulation. There's no question: Gazing at breasts makes men healthy.
"Our study indicates that engaging in this activity a few minutes daily cuts the risk of stroke and heart attack in half. We believe that by doing so consistently, the average man can extend his life four to five years."
In addition, she also recommended that men over 40 should gaze at larger breasts daily for 10 minutes.
The German research is believed to be published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
TOPICS: Heated Discussion
KEYWORDS: fakebutaccurate; humor; napl; whocaresifitstrue
I'm glad to see that research is being done on the important topics.
1 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:47:09 PM by Slings and Arrows
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | View Replies]
To: Slings and Arrows; MeekOneGOP; Conspiracy Guy; DocRock; King Prout; Darksheare; OSHA; ...
o/~ I'm gonna live for-eeeeeeever! ~\o
2 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:49:39 PM by Slings and Arrows ("The solution to every ill is a cat." --TheOldLady)
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To: Slings and Arrows
so, are we suppose to stare at covered or exposed breasts ?
3 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:51:53 PM by stylin19a
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To: stylin19a
4 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:53:01 PM by Slings and Arrows ("The solution to every ill is a cat." --TheOldLady)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 3 | View Replies]
To: Slings and Arrows
I dont think nearly enough research has been done on this highly important subject.
5 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:53:14 PM by Talisker (When you find a turtle on top of a fence post, you can be damn sure it didn't get there on it's own.)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies]
To: Slings and Arrows
I’m going to live for a very long time. ;>)
6 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:54:21 PM by Gator113 (Obama is America's First Failed Black Pres-dent.....)
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To: Slings and Arrows
I am interested in their findings.
I expect this reply won't last long...
7 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:54:36 PM by Jet Jaguar (Anybody see a National Security Strategy?)
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To: Slings and Arrows
I’m a woman. What does this do for me? You men have nothing we can stare at.
8 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:55:04 PM by ReneeLynn (Socialism is SO yesterday. Fascism, it*s the new black. Mmm Mmm Mmm.)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies]
To: Slings and Arrows
9 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:55:57 PM by Halgr (Once a Marine, always a Marine - Semper Fi)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 2 | View Replies]
To: ReneeLynn
There are man-boobs.
10 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:56:17 PM by CougarGA7 (Happy New Year)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 8 | View Replies]
To: Slings and Arrows
The life expectancy of the average TSA employee is about to go up with the widespread use of full-body imaging.
11 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:56:33 PM by RFEngineer
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies]
To: Slings and Arrows
The obvious demurral is that the habit or practice in question is not a cause of greater vitality, but a consequence of it. Statistics alone cannot make the distinction.
12 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:56:34 PM by dr_lew
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies]
To: Jet Jaguar
That woman looks like a lava-flow.
13 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:56:38 PM by CougarGA7 (Happy New Year)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 7 | View Replies]
To: Slings and Arrows
I have a feeling this thread is going to get interesting.
14 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:56:39 PM by rdl6989 (January 20, 2013 The end of an error.)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 2 | View Replies]
To: Jet Jaguar
Is that a Cross-Your-Knees Bra?
15 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:56:53 PM by Slings and Arrows ("The solution to every ill is a cat." --TheOldLady)
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To: Slings and Arrows
Can't be true. I keep staring at these two boobs and only feel my life draining away!
16 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:57:42 PM by Nateman
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To: Jet Jaguar
Too much of a good thing is right.
17 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:57:42 PM by rdl6989 (January 20, 2013 The end of an error.)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 7 | View Replies]
To: Slings and Arrows
This is a bogus study. The only reason the men’s blood pressure is lower is because they got permission to stare at boobs. The men who didn’t get permission were stressed about getting caught.
18 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:57:45 PM by Francis McClobber
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 2 | View Replies]
To: Slings and Arrows
19 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:58:09 PM by Jet Jaguar (Anybody see a National Security Strategy?)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 15 | View Replies]
To: Slings and Arrows
Three mile run
20 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:58:32 PM by woofie
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies]
To: Jet Jaguar
that’s just not right
21 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:58:35 PM by Gone_Postal
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 7 | View Replies]
To: Talisker
I’m going to apply for a grant.
22 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:58:58 PM by Slings and Arrows ("The solution to every ill is a cat." --TheOldLady)
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To: Slings and Arrows
Hummm, I wonder if they need volunteers to help with the further development of these....oops I mean this.
23 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:59:33 PM by Rickcbw
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To: Gone_Postal
I know! That’s why it had to be posted. :0)
24 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:59:51 PM by Jet Jaguar (Anybody see a National Security Strategy?)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 21 | View Replies]
To: ReneeLynn
You men have nothing we can stare at.
If you're interested, I'm sure you would come up with something eventually, ReneeLynn.
25 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:59:51 PM by RegulatorCountry
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To: Francis McClobber
Check the keywords.
26 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 4:00:29 PM by Slings and Arrows ("The solution to every ill is a cat." --TheOldLady)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 18 | View Replies]
To: ReneeLynn
"I’m a woman. What does this do for me? You men have nothing we can stare at."
"I'm dead sexy. Look at my sexy body."
27 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 4:01:46 PM by GregoTX (When people find they can vote themselves money it will herald the end of the republic. Ben Franklin)
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To: woofie
Very therapeutic.
28 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 4:02:28 PM by Slings and Arrows ("The solution to every ill is a cat." --TheOldLady)
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To: CougarGA7
29 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 4:02:40 PM by ReneeLynn (Socialism is SO yesterday. Fascism, it*s the new black. Mmm Mmm Mmm.)
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To: woofie
Mmmm... I feel better already.
30 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 4:03:27 PM by Ramius (Personally, I give us... one chance in three. More tea?)
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To: GregoTX
Throwing up isn’t good for you!
31 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 4:05:15 PM by ReneeLynn (Socialism is SO yesterday. Fascism, it*s the new black. Mmm Mmm Mmm.)
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To: Slings and Arrows
This thread is worthless without pictures.
And I don't mean like posts seven, sixteen, or twenty seven. Post twenty is more like it.
32 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 4:05:49 PM by Cheburashka (Lesson #1 from Battlestar Galactica: Never turn your back on your toaster.)
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To: Nateman
"Can't be true. I keep staring at these two boobs and only feel my life draining away!"
You are just looking at the wrong boobs.
33 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 4:07:14 PM by blackbart.223 (I live in Northern Nevada. Reid doesn't represent me.)
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To: Jet Jaguar
There’s NO way that’s not photoshopped there?
34 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 4:08:47 PM by Aria ( "The US republic will endure until Congress discovers it can bribe the public with the people's $.")
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Posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:47:07 PM by Slings and Arrows
Frankfurt, Germany, December 6 -- A rather bizarre study carried out by German researchers suggests that staring at women's breasts is good for men's health and increases their life expectancy.
According to Dr. Karen Weatherby, a gerontologist and author of the study, gawking at women’s breasts is a healthy practice, almost at par with an intense exercise regime, that prolongs the lifespan of a man by five years.
She added, "Just 10 minutes of staring at the charms of a well-endowed female, is roughly equivalent to a 30-minute aerobics work-out."
A five-year research on 500 men Researchers at three hospitals in Frankfurt, Germany did an in-depth analysis of 200 healthy males over a period of five years. Half the volunteers were instructed to ogle at the breasts of women daily, while the rest were told to refrain from doing so.
At the close of the study, the researchers noted that the men who stared at the breasts of females on a regular basis exhibited lower blood pressure, slower resting pulse rates and lesser episodes of coronary artery disease.
Sexual desire linked to better blood circulation The researchers declared that sexual desire gives rise to better blood circulation that signifies an overall improved health.
Weatherby explained the concept stating, "Sexual excitement gets the heart pumping and improves blood circulation. There's no question: Gazing at breasts makes men healthy.
"Our study indicates that engaging in this activity a few minutes daily cuts the risk of stroke and heart attack in half. We believe that by doing so consistently, the average man can extend his life four to five years."
In addition, she also recommended that men over 40 should gaze at larger breasts daily for 10 minutes.
The German research is believed to be published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
TOPICS: Heated Discussion
KEYWORDS: fakebutaccurate; humor; napl; whocaresifitstrue
I'm glad to see that research is being done on the important topics.
1 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:47:09 PM by Slings and Arrows
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To: Slings and Arrows; MeekOneGOP; Conspiracy Guy; DocRock; King Prout; Darksheare; OSHA; ...
o/~ I'm gonna live for-eeeeeeever! ~\o
2 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:49:39 PM by Slings and Arrows ("The solution to every ill is a cat." --TheOldLady)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies]
To: Slings and Arrows
so, are we suppose to stare at covered or exposed breasts ?
3 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:51:53 PM by stylin19a
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To: stylin19a
4 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:53:01 PM by Slings and Arrows ("The solution to every ill is a cat." --TheOldLady)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 3 | View Replies]
To: Slings and Arrows
I dont think nearly enough research has been done on this highly important subject.
5 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:53:14 PM by Talisker (When you find a turtle on top of a fence post, you can be damn sure it didn't get there on it's own.)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies]
To: Slings and Arrows
I’m going to live for a very long time. ;>)
6 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:54:21 PM by Gator113 (Obama is America's First Failed Black Pres-dent.....)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies]
To: Slings and Arrows
I am interested in their findings.
I expect this reply won't last long...
7 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:54:36 PM by Jet Jaguar (Anybody see a National Security Strategy?)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 2 | View Replies]
To: Slings and Arrows
I’m a woman. What does this do for me? You men have nothing we can stare at.
8 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:55:04 PM by ReneeLynn (Socialism is SO yesterday. Fascism, it*s the new black. Mmm Mmm Mmm.)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies]
To: Slings and Arrows
9 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:55:57 PM by Halgr (Once a Marine, always a Marine - Semper Fi)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 2 | View Replies]
To: ReneeLynn
There are man-boobs.
10 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:56:17 PM by CougarGA7 (Happy New Year)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 8 | View Replies]
To: Slings and Arrows
The life expectancy of the average TSA employee is about to go up with the widespread use of full-body imaging.
11 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:56:33 PM by RFEngineer
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies]
To: Slings and Arrows
The obvious demurral is that the habit or practice in question is not a cause of greater vitality, but a consequence of it. Statistics alone cannot make the distinction.
12 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:56:34 PM by dr_lew
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies]
To: Jet Jaguar
That woman looks like a lava-flow.
13 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:56:38 PM by CougarGA7 (Happy New Year)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 7 | View Replies]
To: Slings and Arrows
I have a feeling this thread is going to get interesting.
14 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:56:39 PM by rdl6989 (January 20, 2013 The end of an error.)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 2 | View Replies]
To: Jet Jaguar
Is that a Cross-Your-Knees Bra?
15 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:56:53 PM by Slings and Arrows ("The solution to every ill is a cat." --TheOldLady)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 7 | View Replies]
To: Slings and Arrows
Can't be true. I keep staring at these two boobs and only feel my life draining away!
16 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:57:42 PM by Nateman
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To: Jet Jaguar
Too much of a good thing is right.
17 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:57:42 PM by rdl6989 (January 20, 2013 The end of an error.)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 7 | View Replies]
To: Slings and Arrows
This is a bogus study. The only reason the men’s blood pressure is lower is because they got permission to stare at boobs. The men who didn’t get permission were stressed about getting caught.
18 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:57:45 PM by Francis McClobber
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 2 | View Replies]
To: Slings and Arrows
19 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:58:09 PM by Jet Jaguar (Anybody see a National Security Strategy?)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 15 | View Replies]
To: Slings and Arrows
Three mile run
20 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:58:32 PM by woofie
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies]
To: Jet Jaguar
that’s just not right
21 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:58:35 PM by Gone_Postal
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 7 | View Replies]
To: Talisker
I’m going to apply for a grant.
22 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:58:58 PM by Slings and Arrows ("The solution to every ill is a cat." --TheOldLady)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 5 | View Replies]
To: Slings and Arrows
Hummm, I wonder if they need volunteers to help with the further development of these....oops I mean this.
23 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:59:33 PM by Rickcbw
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To: Gone_Postal
I know! That’s why it had to be posted. :0)
24 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:59:51 PM by Jet Jaguar (Anybody see a National Security Strategy?)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 21 | View Replies]
To: ReneeLynn
You men have nothing we can stare at.
If you're interested, I'm sure you would come up with something eventually, ReneeLynn.
25 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 3:59:51 PM by RegulatorCountry
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To: Francis McClobber
Check the keywords.
26 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 4:00:29 PM by Slings and Arrows ("The solution to every ill is a cat." --TheOldLady)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 18 | View Replies]
To: ReneeLynn
"I’m a woman. What does this do for me? You men have nothing we can stare at."
"I'm dead sexy. Look at my sexy body."
27 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 4:01:46 PM by GregoTX (When people find they can vote themselves money it will herald the end of the republic. Ben Franklin)
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 8 | View Replies]
To: woofie
Very therapeutic.
28 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 4:02:28 PM by Slings and Arrows ("The solution to every ill is a cat." --TheOldLady)
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To: CougarGA7
29 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 4:02:40 PM by ReneeLynn (Socialism is SO yesterday. Fascism, it*s the new black. Mmm Mmm Mmm.)
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To: woofie
Mmmm... I feel better already.
30 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 4:03:27 PM by Ramius (Personally, I give us... one chance in three. More tea?)
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To: GregoTX
Throwing up isn’t good for you!
31 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 4:05:15 PM by ReneeLynn (Socialism is SO yesterday. Fascism, it*s the new black. Mmm Mmm Mmm.)
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To: Slings and Arrows
This thread is worthless without pictures.
And I don't mean like posts seven, sixteen, or twenty seven. Post twenty is more like it.
32 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 4:05:49 PM by Cheburashka (Lesson #1 from Battlestar Galactica: Never turn your back on your toaster.)
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To: Nateman
"Can't be true. I keep staring at these two boobs and only feel my life draining away!"
You are just looking at the wrong boobs.
33 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 4:07:14 PM by blackbart.223 (I live in Northern Nevada. Reid doesn't represent me.)
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To: Jet Jaguar
There’s NO way that’s not photoshopped there?
34 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 4:08:47 PM by Aria ( "The US republic will endure until Congress discovers it can bribe the public with the people's $.")
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Ouch! Putin Answer About Terrorism Stuns Press Conference to Silence
By P.J. Gladnick (Bio | Archive)
December 30, 2009 - 23:58 ET
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This video of Russian ex-President (now Prime Minister) Vladimir Putin's response to a question about terrorism at a G-8 summit press conference was posted in early 2008. However, his answer is worth noting now in light of Barack Obama's rather dispassionate first response to the Nigerian Christmas Day bomb plot terrorist which came off as sounding like a tepid legalistic statement from a deputy district attorney. Here is a transcipt of the question from a French journalist and the blunt response from Putin which stunned the press conference to silence:
FRENCH JOURNALIST: ...Don't you think that by trying to irradicate terrorism in Chechnya you are going to irradicate the civilian population of Chechnya?
VLADIMIR PUTIN: If you want to become an Islamic fundamentalist and be circumcised, come to Moscow. We are multiconfessional. We have very good specialists. I can recommend one for the operation. He'll make sure nothing grows back.
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Double ouch! And Putin wasn't joking as evidenced by his lack of even a hint of a smile and the deadly look of steel in his eyes. While we are busy Mirandizing terrorists such as the Nigerian underwear bomber, Putin has a whole different approach to terrorism. Call him the anti-Obama.
A few comments from the YouTube thread of this video:
Putin means Terrorism must be stopped at all cost. It cannot be negotiated with.
I love that awkward silence at the end.
Even the guy next to Putin was like 'Did he just say what I think he said?'
I don't agree with much of Putin's imperial attitude and policies but after watching this video, it is frightening to think how much he must dominate Obama in private negotiations. And what must Putin think about Americans reading Miranda rights to apprehended terrorists?
Oh, and has anybody out there spotted Lorena Bobbitt in Moscow lately?
—P.J. Gladnick is a freelance writer and creator of the DUmmie FUnnies blog
December 30, 2009 - 23:58 ET
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This video of Russian ex-President (now Prime Minister) Vladimir Putin's response to a question about terrorism at a G-8 summit press conference was posted in early 2008. However, his answer is worth noting now in light of Barack Obama's rather dispassionate first response to the Nigerian Christmas Day bomb plot terrorist which came off as sounding like a tepid legalistic statement from a deputy district attorney. Here is a transcipt of the question from a French journalist and the blunt response from Putin which stunned the press conference to silence:
FRENCH JOURNALIST: ...Don't you think that by trying to irradicate terrorism in Chechnya you are going to irradicate the civilian population of Chechnya?
VLADIMIR PUTIN: If you want to become an Islamic fundamentalist and be circumcised, come to Moscow. We are multiconfessional. We have very good specialists. I can recommend one for the operation. He'll make sure nothing grows back.
Story Continues Below Ad ↓
Double ouch! And Putin wasn't joking as evidenced by his lack of even a hint of a smile and the deadly look of steel in his eyes. While we are busy Mirandizing terrorists such as the Nigerian underwear bomber, Putin has a whole different approach to terrorism. Call him the anti-Obama.
A few comments from the YouTube thread of this video:
Putin means Terrorism must be stopped at all cost. It cannot be negotiated with.
I love that awkward silence at the end.
Even the guy next to Putin was like 'Did he just say what I think he said?'
I don't agree with much of Putin's imperial attitude and policies but after watching this video, it is frightening to think how much he must dominate Obama in private negotiations. And what must Putin think about Americans reading Miranda rights to apprehended terrorists?
Oh, and has anybody out there spotted Lorena Bobbitt in Moscow lately?
—P.J. Gladnick is a freelance writer and creator of the DUmmie FUnnies blog
Who Gets Blamed For The Flight 253 Attack? ^ | 12/31/09 | CaroleL
Posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:03:43 PM by CaroleL
President Obama keeps turning up the internal heat regarding the terrorist attack on Flight 253. In both his public statements and in virtually all statements made by administration officials, the emphasis has been on a "mix of human and systemic failures" that allowed the attack to take place rather than on the Islamic terrorists - oops sorry, "isolated extremist" - who planned and carried out the attack.
This blame-America-first strategy is certainly not new to this president. But this time the Americans he's seeking to blame are under his own command and have been for a full year. So the question is who will be the scapegoat; the administration member thrown under the bus so that President Obama can deny responsibility for the systematic failure and continue to deny that we are a nation at war? Here are some of the possible candidates:
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Government; Politics
KEYWORDS: blame; flight253; obama
1 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:03:45 PM by CaroleL
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To: CaroleL
Who’s to blame for calling the flight a “Northwest” flight when Delta absorbed Northwest a while back and the a/c pictured at DTW was clearly labeled “Delta”?
2 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:08:24 PM by Paladin2
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To: CaroleL
What’s the name of Obama’s dog? He’ll take the fall!
3 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:10:19 PM by Enchante (Do we really send captured TERRORISTS off to Saudi-land and Yemen so they can be "REHABILITATED"?)
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To: CaroleL
When Obama’s handpicked people fail, then he fails.... he owns all of this.
Obama is America’s First Failed Black Pres-dent.....
4 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:10:32 PM by Gator113 (Obama is America's First Failed Black Pres-dent.....)
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To: CaroleL
Why is the State Department getting a pass? He had a Passport and a visa! He was on their watch list...
5 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:11:11 PM by darkwing104 (Lets get dangerous)
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To: CaroleL
God, that's so simple to answer.
According to Obama, all the worlds problems will be cured if we adopt national health care and he gives a really nice speech.
Worth watching:
Iran is our friend now, right?
All the worlds ills, mishaps, hatred and wars are Bush's fault. Therefor, the events surrounding flight 253 are obviously Bush's fault.
6 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:11:47 PM by Red6
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To: CaroleL
7 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:13:44 PM by is_is (VPD of Sgt Dan, Former 2/5 MARINE - "Sleep Well America......Your Marines have your Back")
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To: CaroleL
Democrats and the MSM are trying to spin this as a CIA failure.
8 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:24:59 PM by Clock King (There's no way to fix D.C.)
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To: Clock King
Of course they are...the CIA embarrassed Queen Pelosi...
9 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:26:37 PM by surfer (To err is human, to really foul things up takes a Democrat!)
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To: Paladin2
Uh, because it WAS a NWA flight:
Northwest Flight 253
From: Amsterdam-Schiphol, Netherlands (AMS) To: Detroit-Wayne County Int’l, MI (DTW)
10 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:28:26 PM by bigbob
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To: is_is
I tuned into liberal talk radio to see what they were saying, and you guessed it. It was Bush's fault. It is his security policies, his TSA, and his Homeland Security. Obama is pure as the wind driven snow. If this attack happened Christmas 2012, it would still be Bush's fault to these moonbats.
11 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:41:01 PM by NavyCanDo
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To: CaroleL
12 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 2:04:58 PM by FreeperFlirt
Posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:03:43 PM by CaroleL
President Obama keeps turning up the internal heat regarding the terrorist attack on Flight 253. In both his public statements and in virtually all statements made by administration officials, the emphasis has been on a "mix of human and systemic failures" that allowed the attack to take place rather than on the Islamic terrorists - oops sorry, "isolated extremist" - who planned and carried out the attack.
This blame-America-first strategy is certainly not new to this president. But this time the Americans he's seeking to blame are under his own command and have been for a full year. So the question is who will be the scapegoat; the administration member thrown under the bus so that President Obama can deny responsibility for the systematic failure and continue to deny that we are a nation at war? Here are some of the possible candidates:
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Government; Politics
KEYWORDS: blame; flight253; obama
1 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:03:45 PM by CaroleL
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To: CaroleL
Who’s to blame for calling the flight a “Northwest” flight when Delta absorbed Northwest a while back and the a/c pictured at DTW was clearly labeled “Delta”?
2 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:08:24 PM by Paladin2
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To: CaroleL
What’s the name of Obama’s dog? He’ll take the fall!
3 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:10:19 PM by Enchante (Do we really send captured TERRORISTS off to Saudi-land and Yemen so they can be "REHABILITATED"?)
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To: CaroleL
When Obama’s handpicked people fail, then he fails.... he owns all of this.
Obama is America’s First Failed Black Pres-dent.....
4 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:10:32 PM by Gator113 (Obama is America's First Failed Black Pres-dent.....)
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To: CaroleL
Why is the State Department getting a pass? He had a Passport and a visa! He was on their watch list...
5 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:11:11 PM by darkwing104 (Lets get dangerous)
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To: CaroleL
God, that's so simple to answer.
According to Obama, all the worlds problems will be cured if we adopt national health care and he gives a really nice speech.
Worth watching:
Iran is our friend now, right?
All the worlds ills, mishaps, hatred and wars are Bush's fault. Therefor, the events surrounding flight 253 are obviously Bush's fault.
6 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:11:47 PM by Red6
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To: CaroleL
7 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:13:44 PM by is_is (VPD of Sgt Dan, Former 2/5 MARINE - "Sleep Well America......Your Marines have your Back")
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To: CaroleL
Democrats and the MSM are trying to spin this as a CIA failure.
8 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:24:59 PM by Clock King (There's no way to fix D.C.)
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To: Clock King
Of course they are...the CIA embarrassed Queen Pelosi...
9 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:26:37 PM by surfer (To err is human, to really foul things up takes a Democrat!)
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To: Paladin2
Uh, because it WAS a NWA flight:
Northwest Flight 253
From: Amsterdam-Schiphol, Netherlands (AMS) To: Detroit-Wayne County Int’l, MI (DTW)
10 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:28:26 PM by bigbob
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To: is_is
I tuned into liberal talk radio to see what they were saying, and you guessed it. It was Bush's fault. It is his security policies, his TSA, and his Homeland Security. Obama is pure as the wind driven snow. If this attack happened Christmas 2012, it would still be Bush's fault to these moonbats.
11 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:41:01 PM by NavyCanDo
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To: CaroleL
12 posted on Thursday, December 31, 2009 2:04:58 PM by FreeperFlirt
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Is Obama Trying to Set Up a New Housing Collapse?
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Is Obama Trying to Set Up a New Housing Collapse?
There is only one better time for a politician to release bad news than the traditional Friday afternoon news dump, that is Christmas Eve news dump. Absolutely no one is around then, Christians are with their families, or maybe going to Church, the rest of us are at the movies or going to restaurants etc.
This past Christmas Eve the Treasury Department announced that it was removing the $400 billion cap from what the administration believes will be necessary to keep Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac solvent.
As Fannie and Freddie were the primary feeders of the housing bubble that led to the economic collapse, is it strange that Obama would give them an opportunity to do it all again. For the first three-quarters of this decade, Fannie and Freddie were binging on risky mortgages. But there is method to his madness.
By the end of 2008, Fannie and Freddie held or guaranteed approximately 10 million subprime and Alt-A mortgages and mortgage-backed securities (MBS)—risky loans with a total principal balance of $1.6 trillion. To the progressives, there is a constitutional right to own a home, and by giving loans to those who could not afford, Fannie and Freddie were the agents of the "social change" and redistribution of income that our President campaigns on:
Obama to reinflate housing bubble
Examiner Editorial
Has President Obama learned nothing from the collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-guaranteed mortgage giants? Has he learned nothing from the broader collapse of the housing market, caused in large part by the rotten mortgage securities that these two firms churned out and sold to investors over the last decade?
Instead of learning from those sorry spectacles, Obama has bought into his own false narrative about some imaginary deregulatory action causing the economic collapse of 2008. Hence his baffling decision, cleverly buried in the Christmas Eve news dump from the White House communications office, to remove the $400 billion cap on federal loan guarantees for Fannie and Freddie.
Obama's decision is particularly disturbing for two reasons. First, taxpayers have already sunk $111 billion into the Fannie-Freddie bailout in just the last few months. The removal of the $400 billion cap suggests that things are about to worsen considerably. Second, it was precisely such government guarantees that caused the housing bubble and economic collapse in the first place.
In 1999, when Fannie Mae initially began securitizing subprime mortgages in a pilot program, American Enterprise Institute's Peter Wallison predicted in the pages of the New York Times that a massive bailout would eventually be necessary. Wallison's warning was ignored by President Clinton and the Republican-controlled Congress, which together allowed the pilot program to expand year after year. The process continued under President George W. Bush, with loan standards being steadily lowered by Fannie and Freddie in their effort to give 55 percent of their mortgages to families at or below the median income level. The economic carnage of politically motivated mortgages surrounds us now.
Today, Wallison points out that nearly two-thirds of the nation's subprime and otherwise bad loans were created, securitized, backed by, and/or required by various programs within the United States government, including Fannie and Freddie, the Federal Housing Administration, Ginnie Mae, and the Community Reinvestment Act. Ten million of these 17 million dicey mortgages -- or about 40 percent of the nation's subprime and otherwise low-grade mortgages -- were either owned or securitized by Fannie and Freddie when they collapsed last year.
That Obama would now give these two companies a blank check is incomprehensible. Taxpayers got another thumb in the eye when Fannie and Freddie chose the same Christmas news dump to announce $42 million in bonuses for 12 top executives -- obviously for their excellent work last year as they drove the ship into the iceberg. Keep that one in mind the next time you hear Obama feign outrage over Wall Street bonuses.
Is Obama Trying to Set Up a New Housing Collapse?
There is only one better time for a politician to release bad news than the traditional Friday afternoon news dump, that is Christmas Eve news dump. Absolutely no one is around then, Christians are with their families, or maybe going to Church, the rest of us are at the movies or going to restaurants etc.
This past Christmas Eve the Treasury Department announced that it was removing the $400 billion cap from what the administration believes will be necessary to keep Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac solvent.
As Fannie and Freddie were the primary feeders of the housing bubble that led to the economic collapse, is it strange that Obama would give them an opportunity to do it all again. For the first three-quarters of this decade, Fannie and Freddie were binging on risky mortgages. But there is method to his madness.
By the end of 2008, Fannie and Freddie held or guaranteed approximately 10 million subprime and Alt-A mortgages and mortgage-backed securities (MBS)—risky loans with a total principal balance of $1.6 trillion. To the progressives, there is a constitutional right to own a home, and by giving loans to those who could not afford, Fannie and Freddie were the agents of the "social change" and redistribution of income that our President campaigns on:
Obama to reinflate housing bubble
Examiner Editorial
Has President Obama learned nothing from the collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-guaranteed mortgage giants? Has he learned nothing from the broader collapse of the housing market, caused in large part by the rotten mortgage securities that these two firms churned out and sold to investors over the last decade?
Instead of learning from those sorry spectacles, Obama has bought into his own false narrative about some imaginary deregulatory action causing the economic collapse of 2008. Hence his baffling decision, cleverly buried in the Christmas Eve news dump from the White House communications office, to remove the $400 billion cap on federal loan guarantees for Fannie and Freddie.
Obama's decision is particularly disturbing for two reasons. First, taxpayers have already sunk $111 billion into the Fannie-Freddie bailout in just the last few months. The removal of the $400 billion cap suggests that things are about to worsen considerably. Second, it was precisely such government guarantees that caused the housing bubble and economic collapse in the first place.
In 1999, when Fannie Mae initially began securitizing subprime mortgages in a pilot program, American Enterprise Institute's Peter Wallison predicted in the pages of the New York Times that a massive bailout would eventually be necessary. Wallison's warning was ignored by President Clinton and the Republican-controlled Congress, which together allowed the pilot program to expand year after year. The process continued under President George W. Bush, with loan standards being steadily lowered by Fannie and Freddie in their effort to give 55 percent of their mortgages to families at or below the median income level. The economic carnage of politically motivated mortgages surrounds us now.
Today, Wallison points out that nearly two-thirds of the nation's subprime and otherwise bad loans were created, securitized, backed by, and/or required by various programs within the United States government, including Fannie and Freddie, the Federal Housing Administration, Ginnie Mae, and the Community Reinvestment Act. Ten million of these 17 million dicey mortgages -- or about 40 percent of the nation's subprime and otherwise low-grade mortgages -- were either owned or securitized by Fannie and Freddie when they collapsed last year.
That Obama would now give these two companies a blank check is incomprehensible. Taxpayers got another thumb in the eye when Fannie and Freddie chose the same Christmas news dump to announce $42 million in bonuses for 12 top executives -- obviously for their excellent work last year as they drove the ship into the iceberg. Keep that one in mind the next time you hear Obama feign outrage over Wall Street bonuses.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Would YOU be happy to take the 'naked' body scan?
By Vanessa Allen
Last updated at 9:12 AM on 29th December 2009
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Fears over airport security could leave millions of passengers facing the indignity of a 'naked' body scan and paying higher fares to fund it.
Hi-tech body scanners can see through clothes to detect hidden weapons or explosives such as those used in the failed Christmas Day plot.
They produce an anatomical image of passengers' bodies, including breasts and genitalia, and have been attacked as too intrusive. Critics have described them as a 'virtual strip search'.
Home Secretary Alan Johnson said the Government was looking at the use of the full body scanners, but admitted there were cost and privacy issues.
The scanners are on a year's trial at Manchester Airport, where security officers have already been banned from using them on children following warnings that the images could break child pornography laws which outlaw the creation of images of youngsters.
The machines cost £80,000 each, meaning it would cost millions to install them in all
of Britain's airports. Inevitably the cost would be handed on to passengers through higher air fares.
But security experts have said they would speed up safety checks by quickly revealing any concealed weapons or explosives.
* Al Qaeda Christmas jet bomb plot: Riddle of 'second man' at airport as Obama vows to hunt down the terror gang
Dutch airport authorities said yesterday that they would make the new scanners mandatory after syringe bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was able to board his flight from Amsterdam to Detroit without the explosive sewn into his underwear being detected.
Heightened security ordered by the U.S. in the wake of the failed bomb plot has
caused massive delays on both sides of the Atlantic, as airports struggle to cope with the new measures.
The machines would speed up checks as they eliminate the need for passengers to take off their shoes, belts, coats and scarves and would reduce the number who were then subjected to 'pat-down' searches.
Instead, the fully-clothed passenger steps between two screens and is instructed to stand with fingers touching the sides of the head, to provide a clear image of the body.
The machine performs a simultaneous front and back scan using electromagnetic waves, similar to a low-level X-ray.
According to the manufacturer, Rapiscan, passengers can be scanned safely up to 5,000 times a year. They say a dental X-ray produces 20,000 times more radiation.
The scans show every contour of the body, including intimate areas, and also reveal body piercings, colostomy bags, false limbs and even breast enlargements.
Airport security officers inspect the images in a separate office, away from the scanner, to reduce the potential embarrassment for passengers.
If the scan is clear the whole process should take around 20 seconds, and the image is then deleted. If security officers see anything suspect, the passenger is searched.
Officials have said the images cannot be stored or captured, but the scheme has led to fears that scans of celebrities could be leaked on to the internet.
Civil rights campaigners have expressed fears that the scans are too intrusive and could prove offensive, particularly for Muslim women. Security officers at Manchester have been warned not to scan under-18s over fears that the legislation could lead to them facing criminal charges.
There have been no known terrorism arrests at Manchester since the trial began in October. It is not known if the machines have been used to detect other offences at the airport.
When the trial ends in ten months, the Government will decide if the scanners should be used nationwide.
In the scheme, passengers can opt not to have a full body scan and to go through a traditional metal detector and 'pat-down' search instead.
But critics have questioned how useful an 'optional' search is, and whether it would be feasible if the scanners are installed permanently.
The Home Secretary said the Government would weigh the privacy and cost issues against national security.
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I would gladly be scanned - only the security people see it. Not like it is viewed on a big screen for everyone to see. Can't see what the fuss is all about. Shame we need this kind of security measure but better safe than sorry.
- Tara, Ealing, 29/12/2009 09:48
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Airports and flying are already a nightmare experience, this would be the end for me!
I have already decided to take only holidays in future that I can access by rail or ship from Southampton!
A few nice days away are already ruined by the chaos at the beginning of the journey and the misery repeats itself on the way back. What on earth is the point. Stay at home, holiday nearby, its much nicer anyway!
- reece, cambs, 29/12/2009 09:45
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Put a scan of the officer performing my scan where I can see it and I'll be perfectly happy to reciprocate. Do as you would be done by and fair's fair and all that.
- Shire-Reeve, Abroad, 29/12/2009 09:44
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Sorry but body scanning should be made COMPULSORY for ALL individuals boarding planes, boats etc or passing through ANY international borders, full stop!! I am all for it, and for children too. If you object to this then you can't travel.
Security must be tight to deter these fanatics from ruining the world.
I have nothing to hide so am 100% behind it.
- Chris, Spain, 29/12/2009 09:37
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Scan away and stuff political correctness, I'd rather be safe!
- Cicero, Ryde, UK, 29/12/2009 09:37
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I am not happy with the idea as the examples that are shown in the papers are not the actual pictures that result, which are much more explicit. However in the interests of public safety, my safety and the safety of my family and friends, I would just smile for the camera and get on the plane.
- Giovanna, Rome, Italy, 29/12/2009 09:31
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Last updated at 9:12 AM on 29th December 2009
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Fears over airport security could leave millions of passengers facing the indignity of a 'naked' body scan and paying higher fares to fund it.
Hi-tech body scanners can see through clothes to detect hidden weapons or explosives such as those used in the failed Christmas Day plot.
They produce an anatomical image of passengers' bodies, including breasts and genitalia, and have been attacked as too intrusive. Critics have described them as a 'virtual strip search'.
Home Secretary Alan Johnson said the Government was looking at the use of the full body scanners, but admitted there were cost and privacy issues.
The scanners are on a year's trial at Manchester Airport, where security officers have already been banned from using them on children following warnings that the images could break child pornography laws which outlaw the creation of images of youngsters.
The machines cost £80,000 each, meaning it would cost millions to install them in all
of Britain's airports. Inevitably the cost would be handed on to passengers through higher air fares.
But security experts have said they would speed up safety checks by quickly revealing any concealed weapons or explosives.
* Al Qaeda Christmas jet bomb plot: Riddle of 'second man' at airport as Obama vows to hunt down the terror gang
Dutch airport authorities said yesterday that they would make the new scanners mandatory after syringe bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was able to board his flight from Amsterdam to Detroit without the explosive sewn into his underwear being detected.
Heightened security ordered by the U.S. in the wake of the failed bomb plot has
caused massive delays on both sides of the Atlantic, as airports struggle to cope with the new measures.
The machines would speed up checks as they eliminate the need for passengers to take off their shoes, belts, coats and scarves and would reduce the number who were then subjected to 'pat-down' searches.
Instead, the fully-clothed passenger steps between two screens and is instructed to stand with fingers touching the sides of the head, to provide a clear image of the body.
The machine performs a simultaneous front and back scan using electromagnetic waves, similar to a low-level X-ray.
According to the manufacturer, Rapiscan, passengers can be scanned safely up to 5,000 times a year. They say a dental X-ray produces 20,000 times more radiation.
The scans show every contour of the body, including intimate areas, and also reveal body piercings, colostomy bags, false limbs and even breast enlargements.
Airport security officers inspect the images in a separate office, away from the scanner, to reduce the potential embarrassment for passengers.
If the scan is clear the whole process should take around 20 seconds, and the image is then deleted. If security officers see anything suspect, the passenger is searched.
Officials have said the images cannot be stored or captured, but the scheme has led to fears that scans of celebrities could be leaked on to the internet.
Civil rights campaigners have expressed fears that the scans are too intrusive and could prove offensive, particularly for Muslim women. Security officers at Manchester have been warned not to scan under-18s over fears that the legislation could lead to them facing criminal charges.
There have been no known terrorism arrests at Manchester since the trial began in October. It is not known if the machines have been used to detect other offences at the airport.
When the trial ends in ten months, the Government will decide if the scanners should be used nationwide.
In the scheme, passengers can opt not to have a full body scan and to go through a traditional metal detector and 'pat-down' search instead.
But critics have questioned how useful an 'optional' search is, and whether it would be feasible if the scanners are installed permanently.
The Home Secretary said the Government would weigh the privacy and cost issues against national security.
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I would gladly be scanned - only the security people see it. Not like it is viewed on a big screen for everyone to see. Can't see what the fuss is all about. Shame we need this kind of security measure but better safe than sorry.
- Tara, Ealing, 29/12/2009 09:48
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Airports and flying are already a nightmare experience, this would be the end for me!
I have already decided to take only holidays in future that I can access by rail or ship from Southampton!
A few nice days away are already ruined by the chaos at the beginning of the journey and the misery repeats itself on the way back. What on earth is the point. Stay at home, holiday nearby, its much nicer anyway!
- reece, cambs, 29/12/2009 09:45
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Put a scan of the officer performing my scan where I can see it and I'll be perfectly happy to reciprocate. Do as you would be done by and fair's fair and all that.
- Shire-Reeve, Abroad, 29/12/2009 09:44
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Sorry but body scanning should be made COMPULSORY for ALL individuals boarding planes, boats etc or passing through ANY international borders, full stop!! I am all for it, and for children too. If you object to this then you can't travel.
Security must be tight to deter these fanatics from ruining the world.
I have nothing to hide so am 100% behind it.
- Chris, Spain, 29/12/2009 09:37
Click to rate Rating 6
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Scan away and stuff political correctness, I'd rather be safe!
- Cicero, Ryde, UK, 29/12/2009 09:37
Click to rate Rating 5
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I am not happy with the idea as the examples that are shown in the papers are not the actual pictures that result, which are much more explicit. However in the interests of public safety, my safety and the safety of my family and friends, I would just smile for the camera and get on the plane.
- Giovanna, Rome, Italy, 29/12/2009 09:31
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£30,000 custom-made fembot
Inventor spends Christmas with his perfect woman - a £30,000 custom-made fembot
By Mail Foreign Service
Last updated at 1:29 AM on 26th December 2009
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Inventor Le Trung spent Christmas Day with the most important woman in his life - his robot Aiko.
The science genius enjoyed a festive dinner with his mum, dad and his £30,000 fembot which he designed and built by hand.
Le, 34, from Brampton, Ontario, Canada, even bought gifts for his dream girl, who is so lifelike she speaks fluent English and Japanese, helped cook the turkey and hang up decorations.
'Aiko is like any woman, she enjoys getting new clothes,' he said.
'I loved buying them for her too.'
I, Robot: Le Trung celebrates Christmas with his robot Aiko, who is so lifelike she speaks fluent English and Japanese
I, Robot: Le Trung celebrates Christmas with his robot Aiko, who is so lifelike she speaks fluent English and Japanese
Le, who built his first robot when he was four, has dedicated his life to creating the perfect humanoid and his success so far with Aiko has won him worldwide attention.
Aiko, whose name is Japanese for 'love-child' has an amazing artificial intelligence and can speak 13,000 different sentences in two languages
'Aiko can recognise faces and says hello to anyone she has met,' he said.
'She helps me pick what to have for dinner and knows what drinks I like.'
After Christmas dinner and opening her presents, Aiko joined in the festive tradition of quizzes and board games with the family.
But Le still has one thing on his Christmas wish list for Aiko - mastering the problem of how to make her walk.
He said: 'It is the most difficult thing for any inventor to do.
'The problem is finding a way for Aiko to walk that looks human-like without impacting on any of her other abilities.
'I have spent the last six months taking her apart and trying out lots of different systems, but I haven't been able to get it right yet.
'I'm working on some new software at the moment. It will be my New Year's resolution to do this for Aiko.'
Love machine: Trung is so serious about Aiko he bought her Christmas presents
Love machine: Trung is so serious about Aiko he bought her Christmas presents
Le has built up huge debts working on his fembot and is still trying to find a technology company to sponsor his research.
But in the meantime he has had to move back in with his parents and they will all be spending the festive period and New Year together.
'My family found it a bit odd at first, but now they all love Aiko,' said Le.
'My mum and dad chat away to her. It helps by talking to her, as it improves her vocabulary.'
Le suffered a heart attack two years ago caused by stress after working long hours on Aiko.
As he recovered he vowed to complete her so he could market the prototype as a home-help for the elderly or people recovering from hospital treatment.
Le has made his fembot as womanly as possible, in order to make a human-like companion.
Aiko, whose age is 'in her early 20's', is 5ft tall and has a perfect 32, 23, 33 figure.
She has real silicone skin and a real-hair wig made by a Japanese doll company. Her touch sensitive body knows the difference between being stroked gently or tickled.
'Like a real female she will react to being touched in certain ways,'said Le.
'If you grab or squeeze too hard she will try to slap you. She has all senses except for smell.
'But Aiko is always helpful and never complains. She is the perfect woman to have around at Christmas.'
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Christmas with his mum and dad and a robot, he sounds kinda lonely.
Could do with getting out more.
- Carl, Crescent OK US, 26/12/2009 15:34
Click to rate Rating 201
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Anyone recall the 'replicants' in Blade Runner and Ian Holm playing an artificial life form in Alien ?
This time, science fact may end up predating science fiction. I have little doubt Le will end up a very wealthy person. Maybe his creation(s) can be programmed not to carry bombs onto planes too ?
- Graham, St Albans, Herts, United Kingdom, 26/12/2009 14:20
Click to rate Rating 7
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as a fellow canadian, i feel embarrassed.
go find a real woman!
- keira, toronto, canada, 26/12/2009 13:41
Click to rate Rating 100
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It speaks volumes that this chap had to make a "fembot"...why not just a non gender-specific robot to deal with household chores...why is it necessary to dress it up as a woman and say she is like a woman because she likes clothes? This "Mr Stepford" hasn't the first clue about women like a lot of the commentators here.
I wonder what his version of a "manbot" would be like? - a beer guzzler who likes football? It would be a lot easier as he wouldnt have to be able to do much around the house...hahaha!
- lizgee, preston, 26/12/2009 13:40
Click to rate Rating 55
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Wonder if she enjoyed the chocolate cake?
- Scott, Lichfield, 26/12/2009 13:16
Click to rate Rating 98
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Wow, shades of the film "The Stepford Wives" which came out in 1975. I wonder if she has an anti nag chip in her?
- joz, Oldham,Lancashire, 26/12/2009 12:46
Click to rate Rating 85
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By Mail Foreign Service
Last updated at 1:29 AM on 26th December 2009
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Inventor Le Trung spent Christmas Day with the most important woman in his life - his robot Aiko.
The science genius enjoyed a festive dinner with his mum, dad and his £30,000 fembot which he designed and built by hand.
Le, 34, from Brampton, Ontario, Canada, even bought gifts for his dream girl, who is so lifelike she speaks fluent English and Japanese, helped cook the turkey and hang up decorations.
'Aiko is like any woman, she enjoys getting new clothes,' he said.
'I loved buying them for her too.'
I, Robot: Le Trung celebrates Christmas with his robot Aiko, who is so lifelike she speaks fluent English and Japanese
I, Robot: Le Trung celebrates Christmas with his robot Aiko, who is so lifelike she speaks fluent English and Japanese
Le, who built his first robot when he was four, has dedicated his life to creating the perfect humanoid and his success so far with Aiko has won him worldwide attention.
Aiko, whose name is Japanese for 'love-child' has an amazing artificial intelligence and can speak 13,000 different sentences in two languages
'Aiko can recognise faces and says hello to anyone she has met,' he said.
'She helps me pick what to have for dinner and knows what drinks I like.'
After Christmas dinner and opening her presents, Aiko joined in the festive tradition of quizzes and board games with the family.
But Le still has one thing on his Christmas wish list for Aiko - mastering the problem of how to make her walk.
He said: 'It is the most difficult thing for any inventor to do.
'The problem is finding a way for Aiko to walk that looks human-like without impacting on any of her other abilities.
'I have spent the last six months taking her apart and trying out lots of different systems, but I haven't been able to get it right yet.
'I'm working on some new software at the moment. It will be my New Year's resolution to do this for Aiko.'
Love machine: Trung is so serious about Aiko he bought her Christmas presents
Love machine: Trung is so serious about Aiko he bought her Christmas presents
Le has built up huge debts working on his fembot and is still trying to find a technology company to sponsor his research.
But in the meantime he has had to move back in with his parents and they will all be spending the festive period and New Year together.
'My family found it a bit odd at first, but now they all love Aiko,' said Le.
'My mum and dad chat away to her. It helps by talking to her, as it improves her vocabulary.'
Le suffered a heart attack two years ago caused by stress after working long hours on Aiko.
As he recovered he vowed to complete her so he could market the prototype as a home-help for the elderly or people recovering from hospital treatment.
Le has made his fembot as womanly as possible, in order to make a human-like companion.
Aiko, whose age is 'in her early 20's', is 5ft tall and has a perfect 32, 23, 33 figure.
She has real silicone skin and a real-hair wig made by a Japanese doll company. Her touch sensitive body knows the difference between being stroked gently or tickled.
'Like a real female she will react to being touched in certain ways,'said Le.
'If you grab or squeeze too hard she will try to slap you. She has all senses except for smell.
'But Aiko is always helpful and never complains. She is the perfect woman to have around at Christmas.'
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Christmas with his mum and dad and a robot, he sounds kinda lonely.
Could do with getting out more.
- Carl, Crescent OK US, 26/12/2009 15:34
Click to rate Rating 201
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Anyone recall the 'replicants' in Blade Runner and Ian Holm playing an artificial life form in Alien ?
This time, science fact may end up predating science fiction. I have little doubt Le will end up a very wealthy person. Maybe his creation(s) can be programmed not to carry bombs onto planes too ?
- Graham, St Albans, Herts, United Kingdom, 26/12/2009 14:20
Click to rate Rating 7
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as a fellow canadian, i feel embarrassed.
go find a real woman!
- keira, toronto, canada, 26/12/2009 13:41
Click to rate Rating 100
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It speaks volumes that this chap had to make a "fembot"...why not just a non gender-specific robot to deal with household chores...why is it necessary to dress it up as a woman and say she is like a woman because she likes clothes? This "Mr Stepford" hasn't the first clue about women like a lot of the commentators here.
I wonder what his version of a "manbot" would be like? - a beer guzzler who likes football? It would be a lot easier as he wouldnt have to be able to do much around the house...hahaha!
- lizgee, preston, 26/12/2009 13:40
Click to rate Rating 55
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Wonder if she enjoyed the chocolate cake?
- Scott, Lichfield, 26/12/2009 13:16
Click to rate Rating 98
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Wow, shades of the film "The Stepford Wives" which came out in 1975. I wonder if she has an anti nag chip in her?
- joz, Oldham,Lancashire, 26/12/2009 12:46
Click to rate Rating 85
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There are many more just like me: Bomber’s boast to FBI agents as Al Qaeda issues photo and says 'he was one of us' Read more: http://www.dailymail.c
By David Williams
Last updated at 7:28 AM on 29th December 2009
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* Bomber tells FBI more terrorists are waiting in Yemen
* He tried to board without a passport, claims passenger
* It's unlikely to be single-handed plot, says Alan Johnson
* Suspect on UK watch list after applying to bogus college
* Family warned security services two months ago
* MI5 in hunt for accomplices and links in London
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab
In custody: US Marshals today released the first picture of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab since his attempt to blow up a transatlantic flight
Al Qaeda announced last night that it was behind the Christmas jet bomb plot.
The terrorist group said it provided Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab with a 'technically advanced device' but it had failed to detonate because of a fault.
A statement posted on Islamist websites said the attack was a response to U.S. attacks on the group in Yemen.
It showed a picture of Abdulmutallab referring to him as Umar Farouk al-Nigiri - the Nigerian.
'He managed to penetrate all devices and modern advanced technology and security checkpoints in international airports bravely without fear of death,' said the statement.
'Relying on God and defying the large myth of American and international intelligence, and exposing how fragile they are, bringing their nose to the ground, and making them regret all they spent on security technology.'
The 23-year-old was arrested after he used a syringe to try to ignite explosives sewn into his underwear aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit.
He has told the FBI he was tutored in terrorism while living for a month with a senior Al Qaeda commander in Yemen.
He is said to have warned that other young men are being trained there to bring down U.S. airlines, boasting: 'There are plenty more like me.'
And in an extraordinary twist which will increase concerns over security failures, an American lawyer claimed he had watched at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport as Abdulmutallab was assisted by a 'second man' as he tried to board without a passport.
Al qaeda
'He went in bravely without fear of death': Abdulmutallab pictured by Al Qaeda alongside its statement
Under arrest: The moment the bomber was held. The picture was taken on a mobile phone by hero passenger Jasper Schuringa
Under arrest: The moment the bomber was held was captured by passenger Jasper Schuringa
Kurt Haskell, who was standing in line with his wife Lori on Christmas morning, said the Nigerian was with a man aged about 50 of Indian appearance in an expensive suit talking with the ticket agent.
Mr Haskell said the second man claimed Abdulmutallab was from Sudan and had no passport. The ticket agent referred the men to her manager down the hall, and Mr Haskell did not see Abdulmutallab again until after the failed bombing.
* Bomber at the Palace: Chilling pictures emerge of Christmas Day plane attacker on school trip to London
* Flight chaos for Britons as they face tight security after failed bomb plot
* Would YOU be happy to take the 'naked' body scan?
* Alarm bells that went unheeded: Even bomber's own father named his as a fanatic
* Terrorist's explosive of choice: Chemical that is small, powerful... but easily detected
* DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Terror and a decade of complacency
* Rod Stewart's transatlantic crossing is delayed as security scare adds hours to passenger delays
If true, the claim would represent an astonishing breach of security at a major international airport and a flagrant disregard of both U.S. government and airline policy.
U.S. authorities did not comment on Mr Haskell's claims but Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano admitted on U.S. television that the aviation security system had 'failed'.
Abdulmutallab (in red jacket) with schoolmates on a trip to London in 2001
Abdulmutallab (in red jacket) with schoolmates on a trip to London in 2001
A Dutch military police spokesman said: 'At this moment we have no information on whether there was another guy. We are checking all clues and information we get.'
He said the Dutch counterterrorism agency was reviewing CCTV recordings to check out the accomplice story. In a statement last night,
President Barack Obama said: 'A full investigation has been launched into this attempted act of terrorism. We will continue to use every element of our national power to disrupt, to dismantle and defeat the violent extremists.
'Those who would slaughter innocent men, women and children must know that the United States will do more than just strengthen our defences,' said Mr Obama.
Boyish innocence: Abdulmutallab pictured seven years before he allegedly tried to bomb a plane
Boyish innocence: Abdulmutallab pictured seven years before he allegedly tried to bomb a plane
'We will not rest until we find all who were involved and hold them accountable.
'We will continue to use every element of our national power to disrupt, dismantle and defeat the violent extremists who threaten us, whether they are from Afghanistan or Pakistan, Yemen or Somalia, or anywhere.'
In London, Home Secretary Alan Johnson revealed that the 23-year-old had been placed on a UK watch list this year after authorities refused to renew his student visa.
He said police and MI5 were examining whether the deeply-religious son of one of Africa's richest men had been radicalised during three years studying engineering at University College London.
He also hinted at the involvement of others, adding: 'We don't know yet whether it was a single-handed plot or there were other people behind it - I suspect it's the latter rather than the former.'
Mr Johnson did not elaborate on his belief that Abdulmutallab had received help, but Scotland Yard detectives and MI5 have both been focused on the importance of his London links.
He is reported to have 'crossed the radar' of MI5 while in the UK officers are seeking to establish whether he had contact with extremists.
Throughout the weekend search teams combed the £2million flat in a mansion block in Mansfield Road, close to Oxford Street, where Abdulmutallab lived in the capital with some of his 15 brothers and sisters.
Confirming that Abdulmutallab had been refused a new visa in May and placed on a watch list, Mr Johnson said it would have prevented him entering the UK but allowed him to pass through a British airport to another country. The U.S. authorities should have been informed of this, he added.
Abdulmutallab was also on a U.S. watch list, although it allowed him to travel on planes flying into the country.
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He looks dead inside..... no soul
- railroad, Austin, TX USA, 28/12/2009 18:18
Click to rate Rating 243
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The biggest problem is the quality of the 'security' personel at all levels who fail to do their job.
- Chris Bradley, UK, 28/12/2009 18:08
Click to rate Rating 251
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One point that others seem to have missed. When he was "studying" in London, he was most certainly depriving an indigenous Briton of a place at University. There are far too many British people losing out to foreigners in our own education system. All arranged by politicians who enjoyed a free education at my expense.
- Fred, Horsham, 28/12/2009 12:26
"One point that others seem to have missed." - maybe because it's probably not true?
And he was studying, not "studying" - you do know that UCL is one of our top universities and that foreign students pay a lot more to be here than our own students, thus subsidizing them?
- Colin Runeckles, Ilford, Essex, 28/12/2009 18:06
Click to rate Rating 67
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Time to bring back the death penalty for these people, threaten to kill like this and you get the chop. These people view us in the west as weak and ineffectual because we pander to their whims.
We are not a world power, militarily or financially and it's time we stopped behaving like we are. We are only 2nd order at best.
- timbo, Essex, UK, 28/12/2009 18:04
Click to rate Rating 308
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Reform the human rights act and the PC brigade.
- Dave, Treharris, S. Wales, 28/12/2009 17:59
Click to rate Rating 303
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Well I for one in this country have little faith in our government to protect us. We have to get real and recognise where the threat is from and then act accordingly and cease this political correct behaviour and use common sense.
- Rick, Teesside, 28/12/2009 17:58
Click to rate Rating 305
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Last updated at 7:28 AM on 29th December 2009
* Comments (236)
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* Bomber tells FBI more terrorists are waiting in Yemen
* He tried to board without a passport, claims passenger
* It's unlikely to be single-handed plot, says Alan Johnson
* Suspect on UK watch list after applying to bogus college
* Family warned security services two months ago
* MI5 in hunt for accomplices and links in London
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab
In custody: US Marshals today released the first picture of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab since his attempt to blow up a transatlantic flight
Al Qaeda announced last night that it was behind the Christmas jet bomb plot.
The terrorist group said it provided Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab with a 'technically advanced device' but it had failed to detonate because of a fault.
A statement posted on Islamist websites said the attack was a response to U.S. attacks on the group in Yemen.
It showed a picture of Abdulmutallab referring to him as Umar Farouk al-Nigiri - the Nigerian.
'He managed to penetrate all devices and modern advanced technology and security checkpoints in international airports bravely without fear of death,' said the statement.
'Relying on God and defying the large myth of American and international intelligence, and exposing how fragile they are, bringing their nose to the ground, and making them regret all they spent on security technology.'
The 23-year-old was arrested after he used a syringe to try to ignite explosives sewn into his underwear aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit.
He has told the FBI he was tutored in terrorism while living for a month with a senior Al Qaeda commander in Yemen.
He is said to have warned that other young men are being trained there to bring down U.S. airlines, boasting: 'There are plenty more like me.'
And in an extraordinary twist which will increase concerns over security failures, an American lawyer claimed he had watched at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport as Abdulmutallab was assisted by a 'second man' as he tried to board without a passport.
Al qaeda
'He went in bravely without fear of death': Abdulmutallab pictured by Al Qaeda alongside its statement
Under arrest: The moment the bomber was held. The picture was taken on a mobile phone by hero passenger Jasper Schuringa
Under arrest: The moment the bomber was held was captured by passenger Jasper Schuringa
Kurt Haskell, who was standing in line with his wife Lori on Christmas morning, said the Nigerian was with a man aged about 50 of Indian appearance in an expensive suit talking with the ticket agent.
Mr Haskell said the second man claimed Abdulmutallab was from Sudan and had no passport. The ticket agent referred the men to her manager down the hall, and Mr Haskell did not see Abdulmutallab again until after the failed bombing.
* Bomber at the Palace: Chilling pictures emerge of Christmas Day plane attacker on school trip to London
* Flight chaos for Britons as they face tight security after failed bomb plot
* Would YOU be happy to take the 'naked' body scan?
* Alarm bells that went unheeded: Even bomber's own father named his as a fanatic
* Terrorist's explosive of choice: Chemical that is small, powerful... but easily detected
* DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Terror and a decade of complacency
* Rod Stewart's transatlantic crossing is delayed as security scare adds hours to passenger delays
If true, the claim would represent an astonishing breach of security at a major international airport and a flagrant disregard of both U.S. government and airline policy.
U.S. authorities did not comment on Mr Haskell's claims but Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano admitted on U.S. television that the aviation security system had 'failed'.
Abdulmutallab (in red jacket) with schoolmates on a trip to London in 2001
Abdulmutallab (in red jacket) with schoolmates on a trip to London in 2001
A Dutch military police spokesman said: 'At this moment we have no information on whether there was another guy. We are checking all clues and information we get.'
He said the Dutch counterterrorism agency was reviewing CCTV recordings to check out the accomplice story. In a statement last night,
President Barack Obama said: 'A full investigation has been launched into this attempted act of terrorism. We will continue to use every element of our national power to disrupt, to dismantle and defeat the violent extremists.
'Those who would slaughter innocent men, women and children must know that the United States will do more than just strengthen our defences,' said Mr Obama.
Boyish innocence: Abdulmutallab pictured seven years before he allegedly tried to bomb a plane
Boyish innocence: Abdulmutallab pictured seven years before he allegedly tried to bomb a plane
'We will not rest until we find all who were involved and hold them accountable.
'We will continue to use every element of our national power to disrupt, dismantle and defeat the violent extremists who threaten us, whether they are from Afghanistan or Pakistan, Yemen or Somalia, or anywhere.'
In London, Home Secretary Alan Johnson revealed that the 23-year-old had been placed on a UK watch list this year after authorities refused to renew his student visa.
He said police and MI5 were examining whether the deeply-religious son of one of Africa's richest men had been radicalised during three years studying engineering at University College London.
He also hinted at the involvement of others, adding: 'We don't know yet whether it was a single-handed plot or there were other people behind it - I suspect it's the latter rather than the former.'
Mr Johnson did not elaborate on his belief that Abdulmutallab had received help, but Scotland Yard detectives and MI5 have both been focused on the importance of his London links.
He is reported to have 'crossed the radar' of MI5 while in the UK officers are seeking to establish whether he had contact with extremists.
Throughout the weekend search teams combed the £2million flat in a mansion block in Mansfield Road, close to Oxford Street, where Abdulmutallab lived in the capital with some of his 15 brothers and sisters.
Confirming that Abdulmutallab had been refused a new visa in May and placed on a watch list, Mr Johnson said it would have prevented him entering the UK but allowed him to pass through a British airport to another country. The U.S. authorities should have been informed of this, he added.
Abdulmutallab was also on a U.S. watch list, although it allowed him to travel on planes flying into the country.
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He looks dead inside..... no soul
- railroad, Austin, TX USA, 28/12/2009 18:18
Click to rate Rating 243
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The biggest problem is the quality of the 'security' personel at all levels who fail to do their job.
- Chris Bradley, UK, 28/12/2009 18:08
Click to rate Rating 251
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One point that others seem to have missed. When he was "studying" in London, he was most certainly depriving an indigenous Briton of a place at University. There are far too many British people losing out to foreigners in our own education system. All arranged by politicians who enjoyed a free education at my expense.
- Fred, Horsham, 28/12/2009 12:26
"One point that others seem to have missed." - maybe because it's probably not true?
And he was studying, not "studying" - you do know that UCL is one of our top universities and that foreign students pay a lot more to be here than our own students, thus subsidizing them?
- Colin Runeckles, Ilford, Essex, 28/12/2009 18:06
Click to rate Rating 67
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Time to bring back the death penalty for these people, threaten to kill like this and you get the chop. These people view us in the west as weak and ineffectual because we pander to their whims.
We are not a world power, militarily or financially and it's time we stopped behaving like we are. We are only 2nd order at best.
- timbo, Essex, UK, 28/12/2009 18:04
Click to rate Rating 308
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Reform the human rights act and the PC brigade.
- Dave, Treharris, S. Wales, 28/12/2009 17:59
Click to rate Rating 303
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Well I for one in this country have little faith in our government to protect us. We have to get real and recognise where the threat is from and then act accordingly and cease this political correct behaviour and use common sense.
- Rick, Teesside, 28/12/2009 17:58
Click to rate Rating 305
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This is England: Their aim? To drive out Islamic extremism.
This is England: Masked like terrorists, members of Britain's newest and fastest -growing protest group intimidate a Muslim woman on a train en route to a violent demo
Last updated at 6:48 PM on 27th December 2009
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Their aim? To drive out Islamic extremism. Their weapon? The thugs of Britain's most violent football gangs
English Defence League protest march en route by train to Manchester from Bolton
Some of the most violent football hooligans in Britain head towards Manchester to support a march by the burgeoning English Defence League (EDL), while a woman dressed in a black hijab appears intimidated
On Platform One at Bolton station a mob of around 100 men punch the air in unison. The chant goes up: 'Muslim bombers, off our streets, Muslim bombers off our streets...'
Their voices echo loudly and more men suddenly appear; startled passengers move aside. The group march forward waving St George Cross flags and holding up placards. The throng of men around me applaud. A train heading for Glasgow draws up on the opposite platform and the men turn as one, bursting into song: 'Engelaand, Engelaand, Engelaand.'
Some of the men hide behind balaclavas, others wear black hoodies. A few speak on mobile phones, their hands pressed against their ears to block out the cacophony.
'It's already kicking off in Manchester. This could be tasty,' shouts one. These are some of the most violent football hooligans in Britain and today they have joined together in an unprecedented show of strength. Standing shoulder to shoulder are notorious gangs - or 'firms' as they are known - such as Cardiff City's Soul Crew, Bolton Wanderers' Cuckoo Boys and Luton Town's Men In Gear.
The gathering is remarkable, as on a match day these men would be fighting each other. But it is politics that has drawn them together. They are headed for Manchester to support a march by the burgeoning English Defence League.
The police are here in force, too. 'Take that mask off,' barks a sergeant to one young man. He does so immediately but protests: 'Why are they allowed to wear burkas in public but we're not allowed to cover our faces?'
'Just do what you're told,' the policeman snaps back.
An EDL demonstrator is arrested at Piccadilly Gardens in Manchester
An EDL demonstrator is arrested at Piccadilly Gardens in Manchester in October
'It's always the same these days. One rule for them and another for us. I'm sick of this country,' a man standing next to me says in a West Country accent.
He draws on a cigarette then flicks it to the ground in disgust. He starts to complain again but when the tannoy announces the arrival of the train to Manchester Piccadilly he raises his hands above his head and starts another favourite.
'Rule Britannia, Britannia rule the waves... Britons never, never, never...' His companions join in. As the train comes to a halt the crowd surges forward.
The carriages are almost full so the men pack themselves into the aisles followed by policemen speaking into radios. A group of lads drinking beer at a table eye the new contingent warily.
One man wearing a baseball cap clocks their fear and reassures them.
'It's all right lads, nothing to worry about. We're protesting against radical Islam. Come and join us.'
Further up the carriage another bursts into song.
'We had joy, we had fun, we had Muslims on the run,' he starts up. Nobody joins in and a couple of his mates tell him to 'shut up' as they point to a woman dressed in a black hijab sitting at a table.
A man standing close to her is masked and holds a placard. It has a picture of a Muslim woman crying with red blood streaming down her face. 'Sharia law oppresses women!' the slogan reads.
The rise of the English Defence League has been rapid. Since its formation at the start of the summer the group has organised nearly 20 major protests in Britain's cities, including London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Luton, Nottingham, Glasgow and Swansea.
Its leaders are professional and articulate and they claim that the EDL is a peaceful, non-racist organisation. But having spent time with them, there is evidence that this movement has a more disturbing side. There is talk of the need for a 'street army', and there are links with football hooligans and evidence that violent neo-Nazi groups including Combat 18, Blood and Honour and the British Freedom Fighters have been attending demos.
Violence has erupted at most of the EDL's demonstrations. In total, nearly 200 people have been arrested and an array of weapons has been seized, including knuckledusters, a hammer, a chisel and a bottle of bleach.
As the EDL gains support across the UK, Muslims have already been targeted in unprovoked attacks. In the worst incident, a mob of 30 white and black youths is said to have surrounded Asian students near City University in central London and attacked them with metal poles, bricks and sticks while shouting racist abuse. Three people - two students and a passer-by who tried to intervene - were stabbed.
Following the Manchester protest, when 48 people were arrested during street violence, the Bolton Interfaith Council Executive issued a stark warning that race relations were under threat and Communities Secretary John Denham compared the EDL to Oswald Mosley's Union of British Fascists, who ran amok in the Thirties. In response to these fears, the National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit, a countrywide police team set up to combat domestic extremism, has been investigating the EDL.
'The concern to me is how groups like this, either willingly or unwillingly, allow themselves to be exploited by very extreme right-wing groups like the National Front and the British Freedom Fighters,' Metropolitan Police chief Sir Paul Stephenson has said.
Welsh Defence League members burn an anti-Nazi flag in Swansea
Welsh Defence League members burn an anti-Nazi flag in Swansea
I had met the English Defence League for the first time in Luton three weeks before the Manchester demonstration. After several calls, key members agreed to talk on the condition that I did not identify them. We met at a derelict building close to Luton town centre. Eleven men turned up. All wore balaclavas, as they often do to hide their identities, and most had black EDL hoodies with 'Luton Division' written on the back. They'd made placards bearing slogans such as 'Ban the Burka'.
The group's self-proclaimed leader, who goes by the pseudonym Tommy Robinson, did most of the talking. A father of two, Robinson explained the background to the rise of the movement.
'For more than a decade now there's been tension in Luton between Muslim youths and whites. We all get on fine - black, white, Indian, Chinese... Everyone does, in fact, apart from these Muslim youths who've become extremely radicalised since the first Gulf War. This is because preachers of hate live in Luton and have been recruiting for radical Islamist groups for years. Our Government does nothing about them so we decided that we'd start protesting.'
Demonstration by the English Defence League in Birmingham
EDL demonstrators in Birmingham in September
Robinson could barely conceal his anger as he explained that the spark for him had been the sight of radical Muslims protesting when soldiers paraded through the town on their regiment's return from Afghanistan in May.
Following the incident Robinson set up a group called United People of Luton and, after linking up with a Birmingham-based organisation called British Citizens Against Muslim Extremists and another called Casuals United (largely made up of former football hooligans), they realised there was potential for a national movement.
'We have nothing against Muslims, only those who preach hatred. They are traitors who should be hanged and we'll keep taking to the streets until the Government kicks them out.'
More than 100 divisions have been set up across Britain and a careful co-ordination means the EDL is becoming efficient and a potential catch-all for every far-right organisation in Britain.
Robinson admits that he has attended BNP meetings in the past. Another prominent member and administrator of Luton EDL's Facebook group is Davy Cooling, a BNP member. Sean Walsh, an activist for the EDL in Luton, is a member of the BNP's Bedfordshire Facebook group.
Even within the EDL there are concerns over links to extremists. A former member called Paul Ray recently claimed that the group had been hijacked by BNP activists, including a man from Weston-super-Mare, Chris Renton, who helped set up the EDL website. Ironically, Ray himself has extremist contacts, including a German former neo-Nazi who is friends with Northern Ireland Loyalist Johnny 'Mad Dog' Adair.
Casuals United was the brainchild of Jeff Marsh, a convicted football hooligan from Cardiff City's Soul Crew, one of the most feared gangs in Britain. Marsh operates behind the scenes, orchestrating activities with both Casuals United and the Welsh Defence League, a sister group of the EDL.
The public face of Casuals United is another Welshman called Mickey Smith. An avowed football hooligan, he is banned from Cardiff City's football ground. Together, Marsh and Smith organise the 50 or so gangs actively recruiting members across the UK.
The EDL insists it is separate from Casuals United, but dig a little and it becomes clear they operate hand-in-hand. Joel Titus is a cocky but politically naive 18-year-old Arsenal fan of mixed race. He tells me that the EDL youth division he runs has over 300 members across the UK.
'We want to hit every town and city in Britain,' he says.
Titus became involved with the movement through Casuals United. And according to anti-fascism magazine Searchlight, his role is to recruit football hooligans.
He sticks to the 'peaceful movement' mantra but a text I later receive from him ahead of an EDL demo in London reveals his involvement with the hooligans. It reads: 'Right lads, the "unofficial" meet for the 31st (London) is going to be 12 o'clock at The Hole In The Wall pub just outside Waterloo Station. I will be there just before that. Remember lads were (sic) going as Casuals Utd and if you could obtain a poppy to wear it would make us look good even if we are kicking off. lol. Cheers lads. Joel "Arsenal" Titus.'
EDL members meet at a rendezvous pub
EDL members meet at a rendezvous pub before travelling to Manchester
Alarmingly, the EDL is becoming more sophisticated and those orchestrating its activities at the top are far more astute than its foot soldiers. I meet two of the EDL's key figures in a Covent Garden pub - a respectable looking man called Alan Lake, and a man who goes by the moniker 'Kinana'.
Lake is a 45-year-old computer expert from Highgate, north London who runs a far-right website called Four Freedoms. This summer he contacted the EDL and offered to both fund and advise the movement.
'Our leaders in this country no longer represent us,' he says.
Lake's aim is to unite the 'thinkers' and those prepared to take to the streets. He describes this marriage as 'the perfect storm coming together'. Lake says that street violence is not desirable but sometimes inevitable.
'There are issues when you are dealing with football thugs but what can we do?'
He criticises fascist organisations, however, and says he will only support the EDL so long as it doesn't associate with the BNP. When I ask about extremists hijacking the movement, he says: 'There are different groups infiltrating and trying to cause rifts by one means or another, or trying to waylay the organisation to different agendas. The intention is to exclude those groups and individuals.'
These men are outwardly intelligent and their political nous combined with the brawn of the casuals makes them a quasi-political force.
Britain's neo-Nazis realise this. For Kevin Watmough, leader of the neo-Nazi British People's Party and a former member of the National Front, the rise of the EDL is reminiscent of the Seventies.
'The protests remind me of the National Front marches, but I wouldn't march with the EDL because they have blacks as supporters,' he told me.
But other neo-Nazis have joined EDL demos. These include members of Combat 18 and the British Freedom Fighters, who later posted videos of themselves on the internet.
Watmough lives in Bradford and can recall the 2001 riots, which came about as a result of tensions between whites and Muslims. Bradford, along with Oldham, another tinderbox northern city that witnessed riots in 2001, is a stated target for the EDL and Casuals United in 2010. Tension is likely here and in other towns where the EDL is also promoting spontaneous flash demos and the occupation of building sites for new mosques.
Professor Matthew Goodwin, an expert on far-right organisations who has advised the Home Office, says that the police are right to monitor the EDL and to take them seriously.
'(The EDL) is now well-organised and not just a minor irritant. It has become a rallying point for a number of different groups and to have them marching through sensitive areas is a major concern.'
Communities Minister John Denham has also condemned the rise of the EDL: 'If you look at the types of demonstrations they have organised, the language used and the targets chosen, it looks clear that it's a tactic designed to provoke, to get a response. It's designed to create violence. And we must all make sure this doesn't happen.'
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Last updated at 6:48 PM on 27th December 2009
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Their aim? To drive out Islamic extremism. Their weapon? The thugs of Britain's most violent football gangs
English Defence League protest march en route by train to Manchester from Bolton
Some of the most violent football hooligans in Britain head towards Manchester to support a march by the burgeoning English Defence League (EDL), while a woman dressed in a black hijab appears intimidated
On Platform One at Bolton station a mob of around 100 men punch the air in unison. The chant goes up: 'Muslim bombers, off our streets, Muslim bombers off our streets...'
Their voices echo loudly and more men suddenly appear; startled passengers move aside. The group march forward waving St George Cross flags and holding up placards. The throng of men around me applaud. A train heading for Glasgow draws up on the opposite platform and the men turn as one, bursting into song: 'Engelaand, Engelaand, Engelaand.'
Some of the men hide behind balaclavas, others wear black hoodies. A few speak on mobile phones, their hands pressed against their ears to block out the cacophony.
'It's already kicking off in Manchester. This could be tasty,' shouts one. These are some of the most violent football hooligans in Britain and today they have joined together in an unprecedented show of strength. Standing shoulder to shoulder are notorious gangs - or 'firms' as they are known - such as Cardiff City's Soul Crew, Bolton Wanderers' Cuckoo Boys and Luton Town's Men In Gear.
The gathering is remarkable, as on a match day these men would be fighting each other. But it is politics that has drawn them together. They are headed for Manchester to support a march by the burgeoning English Defence League.
The police are here in force, too. 'Take that mask off,' barks a sergeant to one young man. He does so immediately but protests: 'Why are they allowed to wear burkas in public but we're not allowed to cover our faces?'
'Just do what you're told,' the policeman snaps back.
An EDL demonstrator is arrested at Piccadilly Gardens in Manchester
An EDL demonstrator is arrested at Piccadilly Gardens in Manchester in October
'It's always the same these days. One rule for them and another for us. I'm sick of this country,' a man standing next to me says in a West Country accent.
He draws on a cigarette then flicks it to the ground in disgust. He starts to complain again but when the tannoy announces the arrival of the train to Manchester Piccadilly he raises his hands above his head and starts another favourite.
'Rule Britannia, Britannia rule the waves... Britons never, never, never...' His companions join in. As the train comes to a halt the crowd surges forward.
The carriages are almost full so the men pack themselves into the aisles followed by policemen speaking into radios. A group of lads drinking beer at a table eye the new contingent warily.
One man wearing a baseball cap clocks their fear and reassures them.
'It's all right lads, nothing to worry about. We're protesting against radical Islam. Come and join us.'
Further up the carriage another bursts into song.
'We had joy, we had fun, we had Muslims on the run,' he starts up. Nobody joins in and a couple of his mates tell him to 'shut up' as they point to a woman dressed in a black hijab sitting at a table.
A man standing close to her is masked and holds a placard. It has a picture of a Muslim woman crying with red blood streaming down her face. 'Sharia law oppresses women!' the slogan reads.
The rise of the English Defence League has been rapid. Since its formation at the start of the summer the group has organised nearly 20 major protests in Britain's cities, including London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Luton, Nottingham, Glasgow and Swansea.
Its leaders are professional and articulate and they claim that the EDL is a peaceful, non-racist organisation. But having spent time with them, there is evidence that this movement has a more disturbing side. There is talk of the need for a 'street army', and there are links with football hooligans and evidence that violent neo-Nazi groups including Combat 18, Blood and Honour and the British Freedom Fighters have been attending demos.
Violence has erupted at most of the EDL's demonstrations. In total, nearly 200 people have been arrested and an array of weapons has been seized, including knuckledusters, a hammer, a chisel and a bottle of bleach.
As the EDL gains support across the UK, Muslims have already been targeted in unprovoked attacks. In the worst incident, a mob of 30 white and black youths is said to have surrounded Asian students near City University in central London and attacked them with metal poles, bricks and sticks while shouting racist abuse. Three people - two students and a passer-by who tried to intervene - were stabbed.
Following the Manchester protest, when 48 people were arrested during street violence, the Bolton Interfaith Council Executive issued a stark warning that race relations were under threat and Communities Secretary John Denham compared the EDL to Oswald Mosley's Union of British Fascists, who ran amok in the Thirties. In response to these fears, the National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit, a countrywide police team set up to combat domestic extremism, has been investigating the EDL.
'The concern to me is how groups like this, either willingly or unwillingly, allow themselves to be exploited by very extreme right-wing groups like the National Front and the British Freedom Fighters,' Metropolitan Police chief Sir Paul Stephenson has said.
Welsh Defence League members burn an anti-Nazi flag in Swansea
Welsh Defence League members burn an anti-Nazi flag in Swansea
I had met the English Defence League for the first time in Luton three weeks before the Manchester demonstration. After several calls, key members agreed to talk on the condition that I did not identify them. We met at a derelict building close to Luton town centre. Eleven men turned up. All wore balaclavas, as they often do to hide their identities, and most had black EDL hoodies with 'Luton Division' written on the back. They'd made placards bearing slogans such as 'Ban the Burka'.
The group's self-proclaimed leader, who goes by the pseudonym Tommy Robinson, did most of the talking. A father of two, Robinson explained the background to the rise of the movement.
'For more than a decade now there's been tension in Luton between Muslim youths and whites. We all get on fine - black, white, Indian, Chinese... Everyone does, in fact, apart from these Muslim youths who've become extremely radicalised since the first Gulf War. This is because preachers of hate live in Luton and have been recruiting for radical Islamist groups for years. Our Government does nothing about them so we decided that we'd start protesting.'
Demonstration by the English Defence League in Birmingham
EDL demonstrators in Birmingham in September
Robinson could barely conceal his anger as he explained that the spark for him had been the sight of radical Muslims protesting when soldiers paraded through the town on their regiment's return from Afghanistan in May.
Following the incident Robinson set up a group called United People of Luton and, after linking up with a Birmingham-based organisation called British Citizens Against Muslim Extremists and another called Casuals United (largely made up of former football hooligans), they realised there was potential for a national movement.
'We have nothing against Muslims, only those who preach hatred. They are traitors who should be hanged and we'll keep taking to the streets until the Government kicks them out.'
More than 100 divisions have been set up across Britain and a careful co-ordination means the EDL is becoming efficient and a potential catch-all for every far-right organisation in Britain.
Robinson admits that he has attended BNP meetings in the past. Another prominent member and administrator of Luton EDL's Facebook group is Davy Cooling, a BNP member. Sean Walsh, an activist for the EDL in Luton, is a member of the BNP's Bedfordshire Facebook group.
Even within the EDL there are concerns over links to extremists. A former member called Paul Ray recently claimed that the group had been hijacked by BNP activists, including a man from Weston-super-Mare, Chris Renton, who helped set up the EDL website. Ironically, Ray himself has extremist contacts, including a German former neo-Nazi who is friends with Northern Ireland Loyalist Johnny 'Mad Dog' Adair.
Casuals United was the brainchild of Jeff Marsh, a convicted football hooligan from Cardiff City's Soul Crew, one of the most feared gangs in Britain. Marsh operates behind the scenes, orchestrating activities with both Casuals United and the Welsh Defence League, a sister group of the EDL.
The public face of Casuals United is another Welshman called Mickey Smith. An avowed football hooligan, he is banned from Cardiff City's football ground. Together, Marsh and Smith organise the 50 or so gangs actively recruiting members across the UK.
The EDL insists it is separate from Casuals United, but dig a little and it becomes clear they operate hand-in-hand. Joel Titus is a cocky but politically naive 18-year-old Arsenal fan of mixed race. He tells me that the EDL youth division he runs has over 300 members across the UK.
'We want to hit every town and city in Britain,' he says.
Titus became involved with the movement through Casuals United. And according to anti-fascism magazine Searchlight, his role is to recruit football hooligans.
He sticks to the 'peaceful movement' mantra but a text I later receive from him ahead of an EDL demo in London reveals his involvement with the hooligans. It reads: 'Right lads, the "unofficial" meet for the 31st (London) is going to be 12 o'clock at The Hole In The Wall pub just outside Waterloo Station. I will be there just before that. Remember lads were (sic) going as Casuals Utd and if you could obtain a poppy to wear it would make us look good even if we are kicking off. lol. Cheers lads. Joel "Arsenal" Titus.'
EDL members meet at a rendezvous pub
EDL members meet at a rendezvous pub before travelling to Manchester
Alarmingly, the EDL is becoming more sophisticated and those orchestrating its activities at the top are far more astute than its foot soldiers. I meet two of the EDL's key figures in a Covent Garden pub - a respectable looking man called Alan Lake, and a man who goes by the moniker 'Kinana'.
Lake is a 45-year-old computer expert from Highgate, north London who runs a far-right website called Four Freedoms. This summer he contacted the EDL and offered to both fund and advise the movement.
'Our leaders in this country no longer represent us,' he says.
Lake's aim is to unite the 'thinkers' and those prepared to take to the streets. He describes this marriage as 'the perfect storm coming together'. Lake says that street violence is not desirable but sometimes inevitable.
'There are issues when you are dealing with football thugs but what can we do?'
He criticises fascist organisations, however, and says he will only support the EDL so long as it doesn't associate with the BNP. When I ask about extremists hijacking the movement, he says: 'There are different groups infiltrating and trying to cause rifts by one means or another, or trying to waylay the organisation to different agendas. The intention is to exclude those groups and individuals.'
These men are outwardly intelligent and their political nous combined with the brawn of the casuals makes them a quasi-political force.
Britain's neo-Nazis realise this. For Kevin Watmough, leader of the neo-Nazi British People's Party and a former member of the National Front, the rise of the EDL is reminiscent of the Seventies.
'The protests remind me of the National Front marches, but I wouldn't march with the EDL because they have blacks as supporters,' he told me.
But other neo-Nazis have joined EDL demos. These include members of Combat 18 and the British Freedom Fighters, who later posted videos of themselves on the internet.
Watmough lives in Bradford and can recall the 2001 riots, which came about as a result of tensions between whites and Muslims. Bradford, along with Oldham, another tinderbox northern city that witnessed riots in 2001, is a stated target for the EDL and Casuals United in 2010. Tension is likely here and in other towns where the EDL is also promoting spontaneous flash demos and the occupation of building sites for new mosques.
Professor Matthew Goodwin, an expert on far-right organisations who has advised the Home Office, says that the police are right to monitor the EDL and to take them seriously.
'(The EDL) is now well-organised and not just a minor irritant. It has become a rallying point for a number of different groups and to have them marching through sensitive areas is a major concern.'
Communities Minister John Denham has also condemned the rise of the EDL: 'If you look at the types of demonstrations they have organised, the language used and the targets chosen, it looks clear that it's a tactic designed to provoke, to get a response. It's designed to create violence. And we must all make sure this doesn't happen.'
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